Had Gamma Knife Surgery For Neuroma. Suffering Bells Palsy, Floaters, Light Flashes In Right Eye. Why ?
What do you think should I be having these problems I. E bels palsy, floaters light flashes in my rt eye?
do you think gamma knife was a good choice and don't sugarcoat it hear I have heard enough brand if I m gonna hear more because it will be free!
Also if I feel my reconstructive surgery makes me look like XXXXXXX Warnos shouldn't I have the right to at least a pleasing look?
Thanks for writing in.
I've gone through your history in detail
First of all, I would like to address your symptoms of giddiness , flashing lights , scintillations, Bell’s, palsy etc .
1. Bell's palsy & these symptoms may be secondary to acoustic neuroma . I'd suggest you to get a repeat MRI brain to see actual effects of gamma knife radiation. Ideally, a MRI of the brain should be done after every 6 months after gamma irradiation
2. At times if the tumor increases in size, steroids are tried during initial stages
3. We also have the option of surgically dealing with the tumour if there is an increase in the size.
The radiation that you received has not contributed to the formation of acoustic neuroma. Also, gamma knife remains an excellent choice for the treatment of this tumour.
Regarding cosmetic surgery for nose/ breast disfigurement, all these can be tried if other symptoms improve.
My best wishes for speedy recovery
Dr Praveen K Nath XXXXXXX Consultant Neurosurgeon
Thanks again for giving me this opportunity to answer your queries.
I understand your anxiety. Anxiety & nervousness is usual with all this history. But relax most of the acoustic neuroma which are gamma irradiated reduce in size. If repeat MRI reveals a shrunken tumour, you do not need surgery.
Even if surgery is needed all these post surgical complications (mentioned to you / read by you) are only seen in less than 5% cases. 95%cases do well even after surgery.
So take good care of yourself and get MRI brain as early as possible. You can plan for the re surgery only if needed.
Hope this answers your query.
Dr.Praveen k XXXXXXX XXXXXXX consultant neurosurgeon