Had Nissen Fundoplication And Hiatal Hernia Repair. Suffering From Acid Pain. Taking Zoton And Gaviscon. Suggest?
Neither the wrap is too tight nor it has slipped
Detailed Answer:
Hello! Thanks for putting your query in XXXXXXX I am a Gastroenterologist (DM).
It may be gas bloating syndrome which is usually a self limiting process usually within 4 weeks. Wrap do not slip like that. If it would have been too tight then there would have been difficulty in swallowing rather postprandial fullness as you have described. For this you have to observe whether milk or milk products worsen your symptoms if yes, then please avoid them. Avoid artificial sweetners also as they produce excessive gas. Also take less fibrous and fatty diet. If still not relieved then take a prokinetic agent like domperidone which will hasten the propelling of food from stomach to small intestine and thus will help in relieving symptoms. May continue with proton pump inhibitor zoton.
I hope I have answered your query and this will help you. If you have any further query I will be happy to answer that too. Remain in touch and get-well soon.