Had Protruding Stomach. Feeling Lightheaded And Breathing Difficulty. Cause And Cure?

I'm 26 years old, male. ok shape and overall healthy.
I have had a protruding stomach since i was a teenager.
it feels like something inside my abdomen is pressing out. i can sometimes look
like a 4 month pregnant woman. im very skinny so it looks very dramatic.
when standing it feels very uncomfortable. It presses outward. my stomach gets this round look and i look pregnant.
i cant concentrate, work, walk or run properly. i get lightheaded and breathing gets difficult.
Me and my current doctor think its air so i was giving some pills that breaks down air bubbles so its easier to pass. it helps a little but not a lot.
i had a Colonoscopy, and he found that i had a very early stage of Diverticulum in my colon, small inward pouches he said. and that's the reason. but i am not convinced. he told me to eat a concentrated fiber powder, mixed with water. i did but it don't help, still taking it, and my doctor dont know of anything else that could be causing the air buildup. Since he said that they have ruled out celiac Disease. i am going out of my mind trying to find out what the cause is, i am constantly going around with a pressure and stretchy feeling in my abdomen, its very uncomfortable and stressful.
Hope you can help me to get to the bottom of this.
Greetings from USA and a happy New Year.
I am glad that you are a young and fit individual.
You state that you had a colonoscopy and the
the doctor found some early diverticulosis. For
your age , that is rather unusual unless you have
a strong family history of that. But, I don't think
that is the cause for the gas build up.
Usual sources of gas are the one we swallow every
time we eat or drink, and the other one is gas produced
from fermentation during digestive process.
You said that you were tested for Celiac and were negative
which is good. How about lactose Intolerance ? A simple
breath test can rule that out. I agree with your doctor
advising fiber supplements , helpful when you have early
diveticulosis. Hurried meals and drinking fluids during eating
may add to more gas. Try to slow down and have fluids before
or after a meal. Avoid carbonated drinks.
If you do eat legumes , there is a product called "Beano". You
can look for it and one or two pills a day before meals can help.
Peppermint oil capsules can reduce gas , but may increse
heartburn symptoms if your stomach is sensitive.
Reglan (Metoclopramide) in small doses 2.5-5 mg. three times
a day before meals may help the stomach emptying and cut
down gas. Have to watch for side effects such as shaky hands or
stiff muscles can occur with high doses.
These are some of the things you can discuss with your doctor.
I wish you well.

i can only find the Peppermint oil you put in water and drink. will those have
the same effect or would tablet be preferred?
i think about how i eat and drink, but haven't felt any difference.
i don't drink a lot of carbonated drinks.
I have read up on diveticulosis. thinking about the reason i have it so early in my
life, since teens. I found out it have much to do with pressure in the colon? or the difference in pressure in the stomach and colon? or something around those lines.
It makes sense to me with the inverted polyps.
Since i was a teen 15+ i have had the distended stomach, feeling of pressure, pushing and discomfort. when i stand up its difficult to breath, i get woozy and dizzy and feel like the middle of my chest is pulled downward and pressure on my chest.
so i tense my abdomen muscles when i stand up, and it relieves and helps alot, otherwise i could't do things standing. it would be impossible for me to do simple daily things. and i have been doing this since i was around 15 years old, if not younger, till now. That's 11 years. And i'm thinking that, that could be the reason for my early diveticulosis. since the constant pressure from tensing my muscles all the time for so long.
so if thats the reason for the diveticulosis, then what is going on in my abdomen?
i searched around and read about diabetes. it can have symptoms of gas and a distended stomach and discomfort. i get nauseated when i eat candy, and im almost constant woozy and feeling weak. Sometimes i drink a smoothie and i feel weird and dizzy. So im going to ask my doctor about it.
What are your thoughts? could the diabetes be causing the gas, distended stomach, feeling weak and dizziness? And about my theory on the early diveticulosis caused by tensing of my abdomen muscles?
Thanks in advance and sorry about the long read.
We usually see diverticulosis in younger people who
have a strong family history of same. In some people,
the symptoms are more like Irritable Bowel with constipation,
bloating and gas. Only infection makes it more serious.
With acute diverticulitis, it might require hospitalization,
intravenous antibiotics etc.
You asked about diabetes. If you have a family history of
this, please get tested for it. You need HbA1C and a blood
glucose (Fasting and 2-hour post meal) to see if you have it.
There is a condition called Gastroparesis with uncntrolled
diabetes in which stomach does not contract properly and
food stays longer and this can give nausea, vomiting and
bloating etc.
Peppermint oil capsule if available is ideal. But you can try
few drops of oil mixed with water three or four times a day.
I wish you well.

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