Had Stomach Flu And Fever. Having Pain In Testicles. Feel Sensitive. Had Testicle Cyst. Suggestions?

I recently had stomach flu n was running fever, I went to the hospital , put on drip n fever subsided the next day . My appetite hadn return n I'm worrying with the next episode following this.
I was trying to pass motion n was straining to do so. After nothing much came out. I realize my left testicle got some pain. The pain gradually got worse with the slightest touch. I can feel the pain to my lower left abs. I took a bath n rest for awhile. The pain gradually reduce. I slept n woke up the next day the pain n sensitivity is almost gone. But somehow I felt sensitive in the tube behind the testicle connected up to my Lower left abs.
I had a testicle cyst n was evaluated by dr ultrasound a year ago. The said it was benign n pretty common . If it gets bigger then he will put me on medi. I had the cyst for 10 years fr I realized it till now. It hadn given me problem or grown in size . I check on my testicle there was no swell , everything else seemed normal except for the cyst which had been there all while.
May I know if stomach flu can caused some infection or bacterial traveling down ?
Did I slp the wrong manner?
Can I hurt the area when I strain my bowels?
Can the cyst caused this base on my above description ?
Pls advise
Thanks for your query.Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have stomach flue (Gastroenteritis) for which you were hospitalized and given I.V fluids and antibiotics.
This was followed by severe pain in Left testicle and left side of abdomen after forceful attempt and straining to pass stools.which subsided without any treatment over a period of six to eight hours.
The pain in testicle and left side of the abdomen may be due to sudden increase in pressure in testicular vein due to increased intra abdominal pressure while straining to pass stools.
It does not seem to be due to bacterial infection as it subsided within a short period of time and you did not notice any swelling in Testicle or Epididymis.
The straining while passing stool can hurt in testicle in particular to testicular veins due to increased intra abdominal pressure.
The epididymal cyst (Spermatocele ) that you have since last 10 years is benign in nature and will not cause severe pain of this magnitude.
Please do not worry take pain killer like Brufen 400 mg once daily with antacid like Pantaprazole for 3-4 days. .This is available over the counter.
Hope I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.

I appreciate your prompt reply. I will rest awhile n hopefully the sensitivity subside.
I started to worry on my testicle because of this issue and is afraid that it might be the cause of it. I was assured on my ultrasound a year ago. He was pretty thorough on that n ultrasound my prostrate too. It hadn given problem. I'm afraid that it had flare up somehow after yesterday incident.
R they dangerous? Will they cause infertility? Must is be removed? Is it common in men? Do I need to get regular check up?
I'm referring to the cyst that is at the end bottom tip on my left testicle. I remember is about 2.5mm.(if I rember correctly) It is pretty mobile. How big are they consider dangerous? Will day become dangerous? Wat side effects will they caused?
Thanks for follow up.
The cyst (Spermatocele) that you have since last 10 years is benign in nature and will never flare up or cause infertility You can just observe it regularly it is to be removed if the cyst itself becomes painful.
Thanks and Regards.

With regards to my gastroenteritis I suffered 4days ago, my fever is down , I'm eating some Porridege and nothing else . I have a random mild pain on and off in my abdomen . Initially was the upper abdomen, now is on the lower left. The mild pain is random , or laying on certain positions . My urine can be very dark brown yellow but once I start drinking water it clear up but to come back again later part of the day.
Has the flu messed up my digestive tract..I get reflux as well.. I'm feeling sick up n down. ....
ue to the left testicle pain I had earlier, I'm more conscious on my testicle. I was showering n checked on them. I realized I found a lump thing on top of my left testicle , in addition to the one below i had for 10 years, this some is softer larger n very mobile n difficult to "catch" is sort of attached to the veins thing in top back of the testicle. Sometimes I feel them sometimes I XXXXXXX It run around. There is no pain no swell.
Is this one of the system" down there or is this kinda cyst thing. I'm worried n tired. Pls advice
Thanks for fresh query and additional information.
Based on what you have posted now it looks to be Epididymitis.
Please get your routine urine and culture done to rule out infection.
The final diagnosis can be confirmed only on clinical examination by a qualified Urologist and Ultrasound scanning of the scrotum.
Please go ahead and get these tests done under his guidance,
In the mean while take broad spectrum antibiotics like Cefotaxime along with antacids and anti inflammatory medicine Diclofenac twice daily.
Thanks and Regards.

I will definitely go visit the dr to get it evaluated. Meanwhile when I searched thru the website. I saw that there are 2 diagnosis that seemed to be quite similar to my symptoms. Spermatocele n variocele ( correct spelling) . Wat is the difference between the 2? Will they grow n cause infertility?
My testicle I checked is not swollen n smooth. My fingers need to reach deep behind top on my left testicle to "catch" it. It move freely n size of a small marble.. I know that is important to get evaluated n I certainly will. Before that, I would like to hear your advice and closet evaluation based on wat I told u.
I'm really worried in this state of anxiety. Pls advice
Thanks for fresh query.
The spematocele is a cystic swelling that contains clear fluid and results from temporary partial blockage of passage of sperms in epididymis and does not cause infertility.
Where as Varicocele is engorgement of veins that drain venous blood from testicle in to XXXXXXX iliac vein and is a result of incompetency of valves that prevent falling of column of blood.
It may cause infertility due to temperature imbalance of the testicle necessary for spermatogenesis.(Production of Sperms)Hope this will clear your doubt .
Thanks and Regards.

Thks for all your patience
Thanks for fresh query.
It is nothing but a spermatocele only which is harmless and painless and will not affect your fertility. .
Do not worry and forget about it
Thanks and Regards

Thk u so much
Thanks for your comments.
If you are satisfied with my comments and if time permits post your review on the forum of XXXXXXX
Please do not hesitate to ask again .I shall be happy to address your concern.
Thanks and Regards,

U are appreciated. Thks again Dr XXXXXXX

I had an ultrasound n there was a cyst indeed above my left testicle. Spermatocele. It's about 8mm in size. The dr say is benign n pretty far away from my testicle. However, the problem I had now is that this cyst is pressing on my nerves? I felt mild pain at the groin area sometimes radiating to by left inner thigh.
Now my question now is. Is my cyst considered big? How long had it took to grown to 8mm? Without me knowing . Can it be overnight?
I'm give ciproflocaxin n difenac (correct spellings) for this issue? Will this bring down the cyst?
Will the pain at my groin area goes away with the cyst still there? R the cyst pressing on the nerves ?
Will they slowly grow n if so, wat should I do? Or wat can be done?
Fertility issues?
Pls help
Thanks for follow up.
The 8 mm size cyst is quite small and takes very long time to attain this size may be few years.and can not be formed overnight.
The pain that you have is not due to cyst nor it does press on any nerve.The pain in the groin could be due to some other factor may be due to mild varicocele or funiculitis (Inflammation of Venous Plexus).
The antibiotic and Diclofenac that have prescribed to you will not regress the cyst.
The cyst may grow slowly but if remains symptomless nothing is to be done and leave it alone .
You may think to remove it if becomes painful due to increased tension in the cyst itself.
The cyst will not have any effect on your fertility.
Thanks and Regards.

Thank for your reply. Y hasn't the dr who did an ultrasound not seen in a case of variocele or funiculities? If in case there was, wil ciproflocaxin difenac medications help then?
The cyst when I try n touched it n feel it is not anywhere painful. I'm so worried it will grow.
By the way the mild pain I described on my inner thighs, hip and groin area comes n goes. Usually better after walking. But one I sit down the pain can be felt.
Thanks for for fresh query,
Varicocele and funiculitis can not be detected on Ultrasound scanning They can be confirmed only on colour Doppler study of the scrotum.
The antibiotic and Diclofenac (anti inflammatory medications might have been prescribed to combat suspected infection and inflammation of pampiniform Plexus.(Funiculitis)
The cyst that you are about is harmless and there is no reason why you should be worried about.
For mild pain you can take Tab Brufen which is freely avilable over the counter.
Thanks and Regards.

Thks for your prompt reply because that was wat I needed. I really needed to be certain on what is happening in my body. Especially when it occurs at such an important place in Men.
Basically can I summarize my issues:
I was all well n happy with my sexual life with one only partner my wife. Them few days ago developed stomach flu , Put on drip n went home. Following dark yellow urine n straining of bowels which my left testicle hurts. The pain went away n I began to worry on my testicle.
Self examination discover a small movable cyst on my upper left testicle. Freaked me cos I aldy had one cyst below left testicle. Flew home to have an immediate ultrasound. RealIzed another cyst. Then began to relate my earlier groin Hip inner thigh with this issue.
Am laying on bed now, totally drained from the anxiety yesterday. Asking myself y I had those extra things that majority doesn have? Begin to worry that somehow, it can affect fertility rates. More or less ...had on cyst, now 2, n worried when the third one will come ? N the worst thing is that there is nothing I can do to prevent or cure this.. Begin to worried the 2 cyst will grow, n if ever then more medications or perhaps , drainage, surgery whatever will come. Like I'm geared up to face this . Awaiting what's more to come.
Sorry for the long msg, but this is really draining me away , physically n mentally agonizing.. N this kinda issue is so hard to tell frens or wife. Like... U know wat I mean.
Thks for reading... I jux wanna be normal n healthy
Thanks for fresh query.
I regret to say that you are unnecessary making a big issue out of very minor problem that you have .
I have emphasised repeatedly that you will not have any major problems with these cysts..
It is your anxiety that is bothering you and finally I would say that there is solution and answer for if and buts in life.
Every one has to accept reality and face the situations as it comes with courage and boldness.
Hope you agree with me and try to relax and concentrate on your carrier and try to live happily .Thanks and Regards.

I agree with wat u had said. I could not shake off the anxiety I had n can't seemed to recover from the discovering I had earlier .
Im now living life with a constant imagination that there is some extra stuff in me. N that could not help thinking it is some abnormalities.
Thank u for hearing me n being such a nice dr on your experienced n patience.
Thanks for writing again.
Please be sure that you have no major issue and try to be happy all the time and enjoy your life.
Thanks and Regards.

I read that spermatocele cyst can be pressing on nearby nerve irritation. Will that caused pain at the lower inner thigh area? Or other surrounding area?
Thanks for fresh query.The cyst that you have is very small and unlikely to press on any nerve .and the nerve of the inner side of thigh does not pass through the scrotum.so pain in thigh is not related to this cyst.
Thanks and Regards.

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