Hair Started Falling Heavily. Looking For Suggestion
Thanks for writing in.
Hairs are indicator of general health.
When you improve general health hair loss will also decrease.
Most probable cause for your hair loss is diffuse hair loss or Androgenetic Alopecia or male pattern baldness
You can take multivitamin supplements containing zinc, biotin ,copper,amino acids etc they are building blocks for hair.
In general measures you should avoid stress, maintain good diet ,adequate sleep,regular exercise.Keeping good general health will add to treatment.
Take one fruit every day.Take lemon juice and other citrous foods as they are XXXXXXX in vitamin C and anti oxidants.
Do not comb when hairs are wet.
Use widely spaced comb with rounded teeth(not sharp ends).
Avoid hot water for bathing(use lukewarm water)
Avoid hardening gels/ harsh colors/chemicals on scalp.
Avoid direct sunexposure/heat/wind exposure to your hair.
You can use dove or Loreal shampoo for hair wash.
Please upload your photos of your scalp areas(2-3) with UPLOAD YOUR REPORTS section on right side of the page.
Photos will be further useful to provide specific advise.
Hope this helps you .
If you have any further queries feel free to ask them.
Dr Sudarshan
Follow my suggestions for a week or two.
In addition if you have dandruff please use nizoral shampoo.
Also a visit to dermatologist will allow a proper examination and treatment of the cause.
If you dont have any further query please accept my answer and rate it at the end.