Has Temperature. Started On Cipro. No Appetite And Feeling Fatigue. Diagnosis Show Positive For Infection. Second Opinion?
Thanks for your query.Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that your daughter has acute Urinary Tract Infection.
Please get her urine culture done to find out the organisms causing this infection and the antibiotics to which they are sensitive to,Report of this test will be available within 72 hours.
Please continue with Cipro that you are giving her along with Tab Paracetamol to control the fever in addition to urinary antiseptics like Nitrofurantoin twice daily.
Ensure to give her more water to keep the urine dilute and to keep her well hydrated.
Once you get the culture report switch on to appropriate antibiotics as per culture report.
She should recover and be fine within 3-4 days.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any more questions please feel free to ask me I shall be happy to help you