Have T-2 Diabetes. How To Maintain Sugar And Triglyceride Level Naturally With Diet?
My question is how to maintain and regulate sugar and triglyceride level naturally with diet and with minimum medications? Is that completely curable? Is diabetic fatal in long terms ? Why eyes get red often? Leg joints always crack when fold or strech.
Thank you for posting a question.
I am giving your answers one by one.
1. To regulate blood sugar and lipid profile within normal level, your husband has to take the medication regularly, follow an appropriate diet chart, and regular walking for minimum 30 minutes. For an appropriate diet chart, you should consult with a dietician.
One thing you must know, that these diseases are not totally curable. Without medication, it is impossible to maintain these levels within normal limit. Do not experiment by taking some ayurvadic or homeopathic medicines. Because that will complicate the situation. In our clinical experience, we have seen many patients suffering from these complications.
So, your husband has to continue the medications for rest of his life.
Do the tests every 6 months to monitor the levels and to adjust the doses of medicines accordingly. You can also do a HBA1C. It will show the blood sugar control of three months.
2. As I previously told, it is not completely curable. But, if he takes medicines regularly, and follow the instructions properly then the disease can be kept under control.
Some devastating complications of this disease is aggravation of atherosclerosis leading to heart attack, kidney disease, retinal damage.
4. For the eye condition, you should immediately contact with an eye specialist for a thorough clinical examination. The condition sounds like some bacterial infection / allergic reaction. But it should be confirmed. For know, you can give him cetrizine 10 mg once a day at bed time.
5. For knee problem, you should consult with an orthopedic surgeon for clinical examinations and for ordering investigation and also for further management accordingly.
Hope this information suffices. Let me know, if you have any more question.
He is taking Glucose Health from nutrilite n his hb1ac hovers between 7-7.5
I got to know that calcium regular supplements does contribute in regulating it, is that true? What is ur opinion on research on diabeties cure , will they be able to get cure in coming 5-6 yrs
Thank you for writing back.
Your husband is not taking any medicine, right? That is reflected in his HBA1C level. Its level indicates on an average, 170 to 200 mg / dl blood sugar level for the last 3 months. It is not a good sign.
Nutrilite glucose health is not a replacement of medicine. It is a dietary supplement. I have already told you not to do any experiment. You still have time to go to a diabetologist for prescribing suitable antihyperglycemic agents like metformine. Because, if he does not take any medicine, one day he will have to suffer.
Look, diabetes occurs due to peripheral resistance to insulin. That means, though your body is producing insulin in adequate amount to neutralize the increased blood sugar level, the cells are not responding to insulin. In this condition, do you think, there is any other way except taking medicines like metformine, which will prevent entry of glucose in body and thus maintain the normal blood sugar level?
I think you are intelligent enough to make right decision.
One more thing, i forget to tell, the complications I have mentioned earlier, are end stage. That means, these have very poor prognosis.
So, start medicines as early as possible.
No, there are no such research, which will bring us a permanent cure of diabetes within 5-6 years. It is not possible.
Calcium regular supplements do not have any relation with diabetes. Today, in internet, you can get many information, but, all are not reliable.