Have A Lump In Crease On The Inside Of Arm. What Should Be Done?
Thank you for writing in.
I am a medical specialist with an additional degree in cardiology. I read your mail with diligence.
Standard procedure in dealing with lump inside the arm which at times is causing pain in the arm: is to find out its histopathology and remove it unless it is something like torn muscle fibers. Though you have not given any indication of having got the injury or having overstretched your arm. I would urge to show to your general practitioner; consultation ought to be urgent if the lump meets any following 5 situations.
1. Recently detected and you are sure it was not there before and it is growing.
2. There is pain when this is pressed by you
3. There is redness over the lump as compared to skin surrounding it.
4. There is throbbing sensation in it or there is ulceration over the lump.
5. Lump hinders the movement of arm at shoulder and/or elbow.
Doctor would examine you thoroughly and do some tests before giving a final advice. Good Luck. I hope that answers your question however if you have a followup I will be most happy to answer.
With best wishes.
Dr Anil Grover,
Medical Specialist & Cardiologist
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
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