Have Abdominal Distension, Diarrhea, Back Pain And Bronchitis. Worried For Lung Cancer?
First of all, the fact that you are 33 years old and have had these symptoms for a long time, make it highly unlikely that you have a cancer.
You should definitely see a doctor, particularly a gastroenterologist to get further work up of your diarrhea. There are multiple causes of diarrhea in young people like you, and these include: parasitic infections, celiac sprue, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), microscopic colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, certain type of food malabsorption, pancreatic problems, etc etc.
So at this point I would highly suggest you getting stool studies to rule out infection, blood tests to check for celiac sprue, upper endoscopy (camera through the mouth) and colonoscopy (camera through the rectum) with biopsies.
Long term bronchitis should not predispose you to lung cancer. If the X XXXXXXX was normal, just follow up with your primary care, and if symptoms get worse, then get new imaging studies.
In Google, look for the "FODMAP" diet, it is very good, and can definitely help with diarrhea and bloating in some patients. Try it out.
Hope I helped, take care