Have Abdominal Pain. CT Scan Showed Mild Bibasilar Dependant Lung Changes. Meaning?
Thanks for writing in.
I suppose you are a 49 years old lady and got CT scan abdomen. Abdomen findings have come as normal but there is mention about mild bibasilar dependent lung changes which bothers you.
When CT scan of abdomen is done, the scan also includes sections through the lower areas of chest and the lung bases. In your CT scan there is mild bibasilar gravity dependent changes. This refers to linear (subsegmental) collapse at the lung bases. This is typically seen with inadequate inspiration at the time of CT scan when you are lying down and is considered to be a benign finding but worth mentioning. It might not be seen when you are in normal erect or sitting position.
You might be slightly over weight (you have mentioned obesity in your medical history) and this weight issue is causing little collapse of the small sacs in the lung when you lie down. You really do not have to worry about this finding if the changes are trivial.
Hope this answers your query.
Further questions welcome.
If you do not have any questions, I request you to please close this thread.
Wishing you good health.
Dr Vivek
Thanks for writing in again.
As you have mentioned, you being 100 pounds overweight has made the finding more observable. This finding may be seen in normal weight individuals also but to a lesser degree.
Any ways this finding is completely benign and you should not be worrying for that.
Hope your query is answered.
Wishing you good health.
Dr Vivek