Have Abdominal Pain. Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Cat Scan, Prostate And Blood Work Normal. Taking Trazadone And Prozac. Suggest?
Thank you for contacting XXXXXXX with your question.
I was really puzzled when I saw the list of medications
that you are on. Looks like the doctor or doctors are trying
to treat any psychiatric disorder with multiple drugs !
They are for Bipolar disorders, Obsessive compulsive disorders,
for severe depression and also for severe anxiety .
You tell us that you have had endoscopic examinations, CT-Scans,
Blood work etc . and they are all normal.
At least from these I can tell that you do not have to worry about
anything serious that is giving you abdominal pain.
If you have had bloating, distension , constipation , I would think
about Irritable Bowel Syndrome as the cause. All most all of the
medications that you mention can cause constipation.
You need to be on a high fiber diet ,drink plenty of fluids.
You need regular exercises and you have to learn relaxation
I would seriously suggest that you talk to your doctors and see
if your medications be reduced and eliminate a few.
You might do better with a good psychologist .
If you start developing any new symptoms such as diarrhea, weight
loss , night sweats etc . then you need further work up.
Make sure you have tests for Celiac Disease. This can mask a lot
of conditions and can go undiagnosed for a number of years.
The only other thing about blood tests , get Immune markers for
Lupus and also Thyroid blood tests if you have not had them.
Wish you well.