Have Ankylosing Spondylitis, Back And Neck Pain, Stiff Neck. Prescribed Saaz, Indocap. Want Pain Relief
You will need some painkillers for the spinal pain. If you cannot get relief with indocap, you can try other painkillers like ultracet, combiflam, etova or naprosyn. Unfortunately, many times, it gives only partial relief. You just have to wait till the activity of the disease to settle down.
Saaz will not help you for spinal pain. It is more helpful if you have pain in joints of the limbs.
One of the most effective treatment in recent times for all pains in ankylosing spondylitis is called BIOLOGICALS. They are the most effective medications for this condition and need to be taken under the supervision of a rheumatologist. Unfortunately, these are very expensive costing lakhs of rupees for a course.
There is no permanent cure for this condition, not even biologicals. There will be ups and downs. Medications will increase during flares and reduce in remisions.
Exercise will help in keeping the joints mobile. Just walking and yoga should be good enough
Dr Jadhav
Also i have heard that Anti-TNF-Alpha therapy is also good for AS. Where in India is this medicine administered. Is it same as Biological or different. If different then what is its cost and what are its side effects? Kindly let me know. What other treatment methods can i take to get relief from AS
Also what is your opinion about alternative medicines like Homeopathic and Ayurvedic treatmnet?
It is available in all big cities of India, marketed by XXXXXXX and XXXXXXX Check with your rheumatologist. Common side effects are infections and allergic reactions.