Have Anxiety Problem. Worried About Stomach, Bowel Movements, Chest And Breast Pains. GAD?
I read an article which at the time did not big me, about this woman who had tingling or numbness in the hand and was scared it was a or something else. Then since that I was thinking if I get tingling in the hands don't worry, and since then in my left hand tips of my fingers, usually pinky finger feel tingly, does go away when not thinking about it and doing somethign and does get worse when I think about it and get scared :(. I am out of my home country for 6 weeks and need some reassurance? Does this to you seem just to to be GAD?
There are different anxiety disorders.
Generalised anxiety disorder is one of these disorders.
It can present with excess worry and at least 3 of the following for diagnosis: restlessness or feeling keyed up, easy fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension,sleep disturbance
You have a history of worry about health issues such as the numbness. The fact that is only occurs when you think about it means that it is more likely to be associated with anxiety.
If it was related to an organic or physiological condition then it would not only occur when you were concerned.
If you wish you can visit your doctor when you return to rule out any physical problem.
The treatment for GAD is cognitive behavioural therapy along with medication.
Cognitive behavioural therapy involves changes thoughts, attitudes and perceptions that may be causing psychological distress.
The main medications used are in the SSRI family of medications such as zoloft, paxil, citalopram, prozac.
If GAD is causing significant distress you may want to speak to your doctor about treatment.
I hope this helps, feel free to answer questions
Also I have been feels g rest less, and can't still,, it's just annoying like sometimes it's just right under the finger nail tip, then sometime through the finger. But when I was having breakfast with family notice it was gone, the second I thought of it it was there :(, just want to know its anxiety, but I know it's in my head, just want reassurance :(
If relaxation techniques and yoga are helpful to reduce the abnormal sensations then you should continue .
The fact that the use of these techniques helps also point to less likely of a physiological cause.
It is ok to be worried but it is unlikely to be any serious condition, you should be fine.
Enjoy your holiday, feel free to contact if you have any other queries
Also yesterday it swapped to my right hand then I got scared and my arm felt numb, but woke up this morning all gone
It is even more likely to be physiological since it switched from one side to another. This is not typical of any neurological condition.
The fact that relaxation decreases also makes it less likely to be physiological illness.
Generalised anxiety can be disabling. You may want consider visiting your doctor for treatment that would decrease the level of anxiety that you are experiencing.
Hope this relaxes you, feel free to ask any additional questions