Have Back Pain Radiating Till Neck And Face. Diagnosed With Herniated Disc In Thoracic Spine. Suggest?
experiencing. I do not have a chronic cough, however, the copd leaves something do be desired with my breathing
Thanks for posting the query on XXXXXXX After going through your query, I would like to comment the following:
1. The back pain could most likely due to a spine pathology. An orthopedic consultaion with MRI spine should reveal the exact pathology.
2. Regarding your COPD, you need to get a clinical evaluation by a Pulmonologist and undergo a pulmonary function test based on which your COPD management can be optimised. The management consists of oral and inhaled drugs which you need to take at rgular intervals.
3. Also considering your age and past medical history , flu and pneumococcal vaccinations are recommended for you in consultation with your doctor.
I hope I have answered your query. I will be glad to answer follow up queries if any.
Please accept my answer if you have no follow up queries.
Dr. Gyanshankar Mishra
Consultant Pulmonologist