Brief Answer:
all explained one by one
Detailed Answer:
Hello Mam!
i got through your query and lets discuss the possibilities one by one
1-Bruises in medial arms:
Bruises are always explainable. If there is no trauma history then it might be the bleeding tendencies due to platelets or clotting factors. If they have not been previous pathologies and no hstory of bleeding tendencies. i would say a full blood count would help to assess platelets with some PT APTT and INR to rule out bleeding troubles. If these troubles are ruled out i am sure these bruises are innocuous then, No worries
2-Bumps in the Neck:
if they have not been there for long then they will resolve. are they painful? are they mobile? have you any previous throat infections or ear infections? these bumps need examination to seek the pathology. could be a lympnode swollen from nearby infection of ear nose or throat. could be a lipoma, could be a cyst, could be a lymphoma or a metastasized lymph node( but that would be a least possible long shot). A biopsy can help too if examination remained fruitless.but i am sure it wont be anything serious
Loose motions with urgency and freequency:
As you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, the gut in this conditions are prone to irritable bowel diseases. So you need to take good care of your Bowel Habits. Use soft Fibrous diet, Regular healthy bowel habits, proper sleep, no stimulants like smoking , carbonated drinks or caffeine etc, use fluids alot. avoid constipation. excercise, and aggressively treat early symptoms to avoid excacerbation and flare ups. use easily digestible foods, avoid westernised diets,plus you have an esophageal troubles too so that also adds to the trouble. get some
metronidazole with fibrous diet. but precaution will be necessary.and lets hope it helps other wise a step up to immune modulators would be necessary.
sulfasalazine etc.
Fibromylgia and depression:
these chronic pain condition are notorious for depression.
take a good regular sleep, make a sleep diary for 2 weeks, Add some sleep aid medications if you have difficulty in sleeping. routine and early bed times will help to avoid flare ups and depression. you need a psychological and behavioural therapy too for relaxation training, activity pacing,
guided imagery, distraction strategies, proper
sleep hygiene etc. Sign up to some support groups.will help . use proper balanced diet, reduce weight, tke supplements vitamins, take good care of your bones health( as you are in menopuase too- needs care) fresh vegetables, fish, fiber, vitamins C,E selenium, zinc and phytochemicals and vitamin d will help the trouble.
I am sure fibromyalgia is the trigger. follow above guidelines and you will be free of are some triggers you should avoid to avoid headaches.
Alcohol - Particularly wine and beer
Caffeine overuse or caffeine withdrawal
Aspartame - eg, NutraSweet and Equal
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) - May be found in Asian food, canned soup, frozen or processed foods, and the seasoning product Accent
Fruits - Citrus fruits, bananas, avocados, and dried fruit
Nuts - Peanuts, soy nuts, and soy sauce
Tyramine, a biogenic amine that accumulates in food as it ages, may provoke migraine. Sources include the following:
Dairy - Aged cheese
Meat - Bacon, sausage, luncheon meat, deli meat, pepperoni, and smoked or cured meat
Pickled foods
Heavily yeasted breads - Eg, sourdough
Vinegars - Especially wine vinegar
Some types of beans
Nutraceuticals shown to be effective in randomized clinical trials include the aforementioned vitamin B2, CoQ-10, magnesium, and butterbur (Petadolex)
and medications wont even be needed any more.
consider some
hormone replacement if no contraindication is there like unexplained vaginal bleeding or some malignancy to
To provide relief of vasomotor symptoms
To reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy
To avoid the irregularity of menstrual cycles
To preserve bone
To lower the risk of disease
To improve quality of life.
There are some non hormonal ways to help it too.
paroxetine mesylate (Brisdelle) has been approved as the first nonhormonal therapy for vasomotor symptoms (VMS) (hot flashes) associated with menopause
I wish you very good luck and take good care of yourself.
I hope i was of some help. If you dont have any follow up questions kindly close the thread and rate my answer generously.
Dr Khan
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