Have Cough. Red Fingertip, Difficulty In Swallowing And Ent Infection. Required Treatment?
Thanks for the detailed and neat summary!
I have a few questions to begin with.
1- Is she growing well - I mean weight and height as per growth chart?
2- are her physical and mental mile stones normal?
3- do you have any family history of immuno deficiency?
4-is there any peeling of the skin in finger tips?
From your description she seems to be getting recurrent infections - 2 UTIs, pneumonia, ENT infections, respiratory infections, injection abscess,etc.within this 4 years.This kind of infections in the various parts of the body suggests a general problem!
I feel that she needs to be investigated for immuno deficiency syndromes. She will need some blood tests.
It is better for you to show her to a Pediatrician with the complete list of her illnesses recorded in a single sheet so that the doctor can evaluate her and refer her to Pediatric Immunologist.
In a crowded ER there will be no time for this and she will only receive the emergency care!
Even if we get a negative result, we are happy since it will rule out a major problem and give you peace of mind!
Moreover there is concern for the suffering endured by the child which needs to be alleviated!
God bless
Good luck
Thank you so so much! She does have a bit of peeling on the tips, in the front near the fingertips, where it is really red. She use3d to complain of pain there when she could not even talk and now i am watching like a hawk. My mom died when i was little and I am a worry wart now! Even after I wrote that last night, she startd vomiting and I took her in to the ER. They said she has an URI and gave her some antibiotics. She is on the medicine for 5 days, her fevers are getting better. She has always been very big for her age. She is medium weight and tall and very smart! She talks perfectly and is just a blessings and ahalf. I am at work so I have to go, but thank you so much! I will write you again later if anything changes or I think of another question.
Don't worry!
Consider my suggestions.
You have every right to be concerned about your child!
You are a caring mother!
God bless you and the child!
Dr Uma