Have Dog Bite, Taken Rabipur Vaccine. Cold, Headache, Runny Nose, Fever, Muscle Pain. Can Overdose Of Vaccine Harm Me?
Welcome to XXXXXXX
The answers to your queries are as following:-
(i) You have taken treatment as per schedule, thus there is no overdose. Vaccination with Rabipur twice as per schedule is not expected to cause any problem to you.
(ii) It can rarely cause encephalitis, and if it will cause, it will generally cause it during the course of vaccination.
(iii) It is not expected 22 days after finishing 2nd vaccination course, thus chances are almost nil.
(iv) I haven't encountered any such case.
(v) There is no relation between chances of encephalitis and eating chicken.
If dog is alive for 10 days after bite, further vaccines are not required. During vaccination course alcohol should be avoided.
Thanks for trusting XXXXXXX and posting your query.
Hope you found my response to your query informative and helpful.
If you have further concerns in this regard, I would be happy to discuss those with you as well.
With good wishes,
Dr.Chandra Shekhar Sharma
thanks for your answer.
You said as per the schedule i finished twice the vaccination.
But it says once some one is vaccinated, they can have immunity
for more than a year and booster vaccine can be given
after checking the antibody level. But i didn't check anythin and
straight away went for vaccination. Total of 7 injection at a period
of 42 days. Do you see any problem in this?
Can huge amount of antibody more than a required level in blood create
any side effects any problem like encephalitis?
You said if appears encephalitis come during vaccination. Since i have already passed
20 days after my last vaccination can i completely rule out the chance of encephalitis.
What is the realistic chance of me getting it Now?
Is encephalitis cureable? What are early diagnosis? What are the odds of me
getting it. I'm completely worried and not able to concentrate on my work.
Welcome again,
There is difference between booster dose and post exposure vaccination, and case is of post exposure vaccination. After completing primary course, the recommended vaccination dose of Rabipur for post exposure is on 0 & 3rd day. Booster vaccine is required for persons, who have risk of continuous or frequent exposure, and they will also require vaccination as per schedule for post exposure in case of bite by a dog.
More amount of antibodies to Rabies doesn't cause encephalitis.
Rarely anything can happen, but in routine, you are not at a risk of getting encephalitis at present, due to course vaccination, you have taken.
Though you are not expected to suffer with it, prognosis vary from case to case. You should now, please forget about the encephalitis.
Hope you found my response to your query informative and helpful.
With good wishes,
Dr.Chandra Shekhar Sharma
thanks for the reply.
I just wanted to know few things and ease my mind.
1. Have you seen any post vaccination encephalitis in you experience.
If yes, do all them occurred during the vaccination period.
2. In my case if i was happened to catch it, it would have happened
during my first course of vaccination itself isn't it? So
can i consider the vaccine worked properly and reaction were normal?
3. What is the latest day after vaccination, you have seen person catching it?
4. Also heard that it was common with nerve tissu and current
cell cultured vaccines are not expected to cause it?
5. Now after 23 days with what % of certainty i can assume that i don't catch it?
Kindly answer the above thanks
Welcome again,
(i) As I have already told you, that it is rare and I haven't came across such case in my life.
(ii) Yes in your case every thing seems to be normal.
(iii) I haven't seen.
(iv) Yes it was more common with nerve tissue derived virus vaccine, and it is rare with chick embryo cell derived vaccine.
(v) In my opinion, you can be 99.99% certain about not developing it now, due to anti rabies vaccination.
Hope you found my response to your query informative and helpful.
With good wishes,
Dr.Chandra Shekhar Sharma
How the symptoms will start and is there any definite cure for it?
If someone like who had previously vaccinated and came to after getting bitten again, what would be your take? Would you ask to follow the guidelines to have 2 booster vaccine or not? Thanks for the help sir.
Sorry, only 2 follow up questions are allowed, and I have already replied your 2 follow questions.
With good wishes,
Dr.Chandra Shekhar Sharma