Have Faced 4 Missed Abortions At 8 Weeks Exactly For Absence Of Cardiac Activity. Underlying Cause?
pl provide reasons/causes!!
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I can understand your concern. Recurrent abortions need thorough evaluation. Asherman's Syndrome and Hypothyroidism can cause recurrent abortions. Hence you are high risk for recurrent abortions, even though its normal.
But, you need to be evaluated for other causes:
1) Rule out genetic causes, most common is Translocation of genes. I advise you and your husband to get chromosomal analysed.
2) Hyperprolactinemia: serum prolactin will rule out this
3) Thrombophilias: More chances for blood clotting in developing placenta, which leads to abortions like:
APLA-anti phospholipid antibody i.e ACLA-anticardiolipin antibody and LAC-Lupus anticoagulant
ANA-anti nuclear antibody
Beta2 glycoprotein
Proteinc, protein s, deficiencies
4) Glucose tolerance test- to rule out diabetes
5) Serum progesterone- to rule out luteal phase defect
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow-ups. If you like my answers kindly rate it, and write a review as well. Please do not forget to accept it.
Thank you,
Wish you good health.
Dr Arif
You can consult me again directly through my profile