Have Fatigue, Memory Loss, Bloated, Lack Of Focus, Foggy Mind, Lightheaded. What Should I Do?
Thanks for the query
There are a couple of things which come to mind with the symptoms you report and none of them is life-threatening. Most of your current symptoms like fatigue, short term memory, poor attention and concentration with multiple musculo-skeletal symptoms suggests to me like you are suffering from non-neurological problems probably anxiety neurosis and depression.
So I personally feel most of your problems like anxiety and depression are probably related to some kind of stress to your mind and the body. So I request you to see your GP for a good clinical examination to exclude organic cause for your symptoms. In view of light headedness check your blood pressure to exclude the possibility of hypertension. You need to see a Neurologist only if you have signs of neuraxis involvement on examination.
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you find my response to be both helpful and adequate. If you have any additional concerns regarding your question I would be happy to address them.
Dr Shiva Kumar R
Consultant Neurologist & Epileptologist
Thanks for the query
From the information provided it looks like your symptoms are fluctuating with periods of normalcy in between. Sudden onset of symptoms like these need evaluation as indicated by me earlier to rule out neurological causes for the symptoms in you. In the absence of neurological signs on examination I would still like to consider other psychological causes like stress and anxiety in you. So I request you to see your doctor for a good neurological examination & consultation.
Wishing you good health.
Dr Shiva Kumar R
Consultant Neurologist & Epileptologist