Have Food And Drug Allergies, Low BP, Headache And Fluid Discharge From Ear. What Is Going On?
Thanks for your query.
The various ailments that you have mentioned in your medical history- celiac disease, chronic fatigue, allergies, low BP, asthma, acid reflux and joint pain seem to be unrelated to the headache, tension in the neck, ringing of ear, dizzy spells and vertigo.
The symptoms of ringing of ears, vertigo in particular position of the head, discharge of fluid from the ear appear to be due to some pathology/ disease process in the ear/ ears. You need to visit an ENT specialist for examination and investigations. The inner ear is responsible for hearing as well as maintaining balance and equilibrium.
An audiometry (hearing tests) and certain tests for the inner ear, which maintains balance and equilibrium, need to be done.
The diagnosis and management can subsequently be done.
So, visit your specialist as soon as possible.
In case you want to know anything else, I will be glad to answer.
Dr Shailja P Wahal