Have Galactorrhea Due To Raised Prolactin Levels From Methadone. Will Hormones Come Back To Normal?
Question: Is galactorrhea reversible? If caused by raised prolactin levels from methadone and constant nipple touching and checking, once off methadone will hormones go back to normal?
Brief Answer:
Yes definitely galactorrhea is reversible.
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir, galactorrhea is one condition which may be due to pituitary adenoma or drug induced. it can be due to persistent overstimulation as well. but definitely it is a treatable condition and fully reversible. Regards!
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
I cant express how much better that makes me feel. This all started one day after eating dinner with my pregnant girlfriend. I noticed after eating i would get this sort of sharp pain behind the nipple. Being the hypochondriac that i am, i felt the need to investiagte to tbe point where i couldnt leave them alone. I started to get the feeling of wetness on the nipples and when i looked and felt they appeared to be dry. I started rubbing them and pinching them and was able to express clear fluid at first. Approximately 2 months ago i was rubbing them and noticed a whitish fluid that came out which really worried me. I shoukd tell you that i go to a methadone clinic and am currently at 11 mg. The highest dose i was at was 55 mg. Ive been an addict to pain killers for approx 5 years. At the clinic i go down 2 mg per week until im off. Ive just been concnerned because im a man, i shouldnt have stuff coming from my nipples. Now that you know just about everything, any thoughts regarding my wierd situation?
Brief Answer:
Check yor prolactin levels and get MRI pituitary.
Detailed Answer:
Dear sir, Hi! three things need to be done 1. stop methadone 2. check serum prolactin levels 3. get MRI pituitary with contrast. Regards!
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
This white discharge, to my knowledge, has only happened once. Im on a methadone taper at my methadone clinic and will be done in a matter of weeks. Im no longer touching my nipples. Once off methadone, do prolactin levels return to normal?
I also wanted to know, the little bit of white fluid that came out as i was rubbing on my nipple, what is the fluid that came out? Like i said before that only happened once a few months back and i do not believe it has happened since. So basically what im asking in full is, once im off the methadone and stop stimulating the nipple all together should everything go back to normal? I feel like because of the methadone and the fact that i was always touching them has caused this. And also, what do you believe the white fluid was? Thank you!
Brief Answer:
Human milk.
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir, To my knowledge, you never told me your prolactin levels, but yes if prolactin is high , it will become normal if it was due to methadone once you are off it. Secondly , you have already stopped stimulating the nipples, which is a must. thirdly, you must check your MRI pituitary with contrast.
The white discharge is human milk and is physiological. Regards!
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
I guess i just dont understand how it could be milk when i am a man. I dont have gynocomastia, but i guess thats why youre the doctor and im not. I dont know my prolactin levels. I guess my plan was to stop the methadone, stop touching my nipples and see if that would fix the problem. I only experienced the white discharge one time and that was months ago. I saw a general practioner about this months ago, before the discharge though, i did tell him i was experienceing some discharge and he seemed to think it may have been due to injury from me sqeezing and feeling
Brief Answer:
Still, rule out the major cause.
Detailed Answer:
Dear sir, you may be absolutely right. still to be doubly sure you must rule out any underlying major disease. Regards!
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
What could an underlying disease be? The docter felt my chest and said he found no lumps. Also, doctor sometimes i look and i see tiny little white flakes sticking out of the nipple, this is really frustrating because i just dont get it. This whole experience has me feeling like im not a man and truely embarassing to talk about.
Brief Answer:
Get the test done.
Detailed Answer:
Dear sir, instead or throwing reapted questions and asking the same thing in different language please get the tests done as I suggested you earlier and you,ll get all the answers. Regards!
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar
Do i just go to a general practioner?
Brief Answer:
Detailed Answer:
Sir, see an endocrinologist if you can or just get the tests done 1. serum prolactin 2. MRI brain for pituitary with contrast , let us know the results and we can suggest you the needful. Regards!
Note: For more information on hormonal imbalance symptoms or unmanaged diabetes with other comorbid conditions, get back to us & Consult with an Endocrinologist. Click here to book an appointment.
Above answer was peer-reviewed by :
Dr. Chakravarthy Mazumdar