Have Gerd. Endoscopy Done. Taking Caratate. Getting Acidic Taste In Mouth. Any Cure?
Thank you for the query.
For unknown reason some medicines are more effective for some patients and same are ineffective for others. That is why it is worth to try some other stomach acid secreting medicines. Even if lansoprazole is quite new medicine, it does not mean that it works better than old medicines form the same group.
That is why I suggest you to ask your doctor about changing it. I suggest you to try Omeprasole 40 mg once a day in the morning, before any meal or Pantoprasole 40 mg twice a day. You should also avoid coffee, chocolate, fruit juices, fatty foods and soft drinks. Last meal should be two hours before sleeping.
As GERD is very often associated with asthma, you should also have blow test performed.
And I hope that Helicobacter Pylori test were performed during last endoscopy.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further questions.
You are welcome.