Have Had Blood Test Done. What Does Report Mean?
Alert!!! RBCs:Mild anisopoikilocytosis. Predominantly normocytic normochromic cells with microcytes and
Please tell me what does it mean
Nothing wrong except mild iron deficiency anemia.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic!
I understand the blood test report has caused you worry. But it is essentially normal except for suggesting mild iron deficiency anemia, which is very common in women and absolutely no cause to worry.
The haemoglobin level is 11.5, which is slightly less than what it should be. The slightly low MCV and MCHC values along with slightly elevated RDW values indicate the presence of iron deficiency anemia. Presence of predominantly normocytic normochromic cells indicates that most of the cells are normal. Mild anisopoikilocytosis and presence of microcytes and ovalocytes is because of iron deficiency only as some cells become small in size and distorted in shape due to iron deficiency.
I guess the word "Alert" in the report made you worried. But I again reiterate that there are no significant abnormalities in the report and certainly no need to be "alert". Even the degree of iron deficiency anemia that you have is mild. Just take some iron supplements for a few months and you will be fine.
Hope this helps you. Please feel free to ask if you need any clarifications.
Best wishes.
Dr Preeti Parakh
MD Psychiatry
Can you please tell me whats wrong with me. I also did a pheripheral smear for abnormal and malignant cells . evrything is normal except that some giant lymphocytes are seen .
I have photosensitivity but off late i have noticed that even with just few minutes of exposure i get sever burns and also when its covered mainly in my hands
Some kind of allergy or immune system involvement.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome back!
Ankle fractures often take very long to heal and may be painful for months later because the ankles bear the weight of the entire body. Pain below the right rib cage on running is also quite common and is usually because of the pressure on abdominal muscles.
The other things you have mentioned suggest to me that you have a tendency to be allergic. The frequency of catching cold, the persistence of coughing and the skin lesions point towards that. Do any of your blood relatives also have allergies? Ensure that you take a good diet with adequate vitamins and minerals so that your immune system is strengthened.
Please also see a good skin specialist as I am not convinced that your skin lesions are simply sunburns. It is very unlikely for covered skin to get sunburns. I feel it is some kind of allergic reaction or immune system involvement. The dermatologist may advise certain tests to assess the functioning of the immune system and these will give further pointers to what can be wrong with you.
Hope this helps you.
Best wishes.
Dr Preeti Parakh
MD Psychiatry
Thank you for your reply. could you please suggest me some good multi vitamin tablets. and supplements that would help me.
Autrin/Orofer/Dexorange for iron.
Detailed Answer:
For iron supplementation, you can try Autrin capsules, which contain iron, vitamin B12 and folate, all of which are needed to form haemoglobin. I do not feel that you need to take more than one capsule a day since you have only mild deficiency. Iron supplementation often causes constipation or diarrhoea. If you have this, you can try taking the capsules with meals. You can also try other iron preparations like Orofer and Dexorange if Autrin is not to your liking. Iron will change the colour of your stools to black, so do not worry.
For vitamin supplementation, try Cap Becosules or Cap Zevit. Both are easily available and reasonably priced. When you see a dermatologist, he is sure to prescribe you a multivitamin, so you can take that.
Hope this helps you.
Best wishes.
Dr Preeti Parakh
MD Psychiatry