Have Had Perioral Dermatitis. Bumps Getting Less After Using Doxy 100mg. Is This Normal Healing Process?
At the outset, Elidel is an immunomodulator & as such does not require 'weaning' to be stopped. It is fairly safe & if it works for you can be used over long periods as opposed to cortisone creams which is an absolute no-no for your condition.
Yes it is normal to see bumps continue to reappear.
Yes it is an ongoing process ...the healing/improvement & will take time..patience is not a virtue i possess so difficult to preach it :)
I think if redness is decreasing, then that is a good sign.
I also think, 2 other factors need to be addressed in the basic pathology process:photo-aggravation & stress aggravation. If either are present, one needs to go in for a good sunscreen cum emollient & needs to address the stress isssue that can be aggravating it esp lip licking.
Do hope this has answered all your questions in a lucid manner & hope it has given you pointers to make an informed deciscion. Relax..& once you forget about it, it will also help the resolution process. Cheers & Good luck & wish you a clear skin!