Have Hemangioma On Liver, Lichen Planus, Pain In Right Side. History Of High Insulin. Can Hemangioma Cause Pain?
Please advise.. can heamegiomas cause pain or can they be misdiagnosed?
Liver haemangiomas are benign tumors which are most commonly asymptomatic. Sometimes it can cause pain, discomfort and nausea if become enlarged enough to cause bile duct obstruction or compression of surrounding structures.Rarely it can rupture and cause bleeding. All this can happen if this is sized more than 6-7 cm. Small hemangiomas are not likely to cause any symptoms.
But there can be other liver pathology such as fatty liver,cirrhosis or more commonly gallbladder stones which could explain your symptoms.
This all shold be evaluated by ultrasound and HIDA scan. YOur hemangioma should just be followed up and if there is rapid grow or visible complication,it should be surgically managed.
Lichen planus is related to hepatitis c infection so check your viral markers too.
WIsh you good health.If you have any questions I ll be glad to help. Regards