Have Leucoderma In Face, Hands And Legs. Side Effects Of Placentrex Injection? Taking Melanocyl And Eldem.
Thank you for posting the query,
Vitiligo/leucoderma is an autoimmune condition ,where in our own body cell start destroying our own cells and in this case its melanocytes which give color to our body. First check whether you have any other auto immune problem or not like thyroid problem etc(since there is a recurrence).
There are two basic types of vitiligo –one which is stable (not spreading) & other which is active (spreading).If it is spreading you need to take medicines which can stop the growth of the lesion(like oral steroids) .Secondly you need to repigment these white patches and that can be done by photo toxic medicines like melanocyl(which you already are taking).This is followed by sunlight or light therapy.
Placentrex is the brand name for the extract of human placenta. It is being promoted for all sorts of diverse diseases including vitiligo, cancers, inflammation etc. Currently it is not allowed to be used in most western country since its efficacy, and even more important, safety has not been tested. Though it is regarded as a safe therapeutic agent with potent regenerating activities on all human tissue.
In some cases reddening and swelling may occur at the injection site can occur.
There are two school of thoughts about the use of placentrex injections .One which says that its just a placebo & others use it just as a adjunct to the first line therapy.Your treating dermatologist should decide upon its use in your case .
The usual course is of 5 injection which are given alternate days. Some prefer giving it alternate days for a month and then taper it. The drug however is currently banned in India and some other western countries.
You can go through this link which talks about its efficacy (from Indian journal of dermatology). WWW.WWWW.WW
I thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you found my response to be helpful and informative. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr.Bharat chawda