Have Low Energy, Constipation, Anxiety And Fatigue. Feeling Lethargic. Looking For Cure

plz suggest.
i have got alot of tests done before
you may please check my prev question and discussion for your ref.
any help would be appreciated..
Note to the Specialist : Please do refer to the below link, which provides user's previous query answered by our XXXXXXX Medicine specialist.
I saw your previous query answered by a specialist.
As a general surgeon,i see lot of thyroid disorders.Any suspicious lump in the neck in the region of thyroid will be referred to us.I evaluate them by many tests.As your thyroid tests are normal,thyroid disorders are excluded.
The symptoms that you have mentioned are non specific ones.
You have gone through lot of investigations.Except low Vitamin D ,all the reports are normal.
I hope that you have started treatment for this as advised by the specialist.
For constipation,eat high fiber diet.drink plenty of liquids.
Please take frequent small feeds.
For lethargy,anxiety and fatigue,please stop all the exercises you are doing now.
Practise Yoga and meditation.Do breathing exercises.
Everything will be alright.
Please do not go for further investigations.
You are not having any disease.
Please come back after practising Yoga and Meditation for few weeks.
Wish you good health

i know i have been experiencing alot of anxiety and stress and it may all be the result of the same but i m not under any major stress since last 1.5 years i m eating extremely healthy..do normal excercise..rest alot..and enjoy life whenever i can..
but i m really sorry to bring it up again but i m experiencing really bad symptoms..i m writing the most important symptoms which i feel almost everyday
1) i get up in the morning at around at 9-10 am, feel ok and have energy and relaxed body.
2) when i go to bowel movement, if i clean up my easily then i feel alot of stomach gas coming up and i belch atleast 10 times. if i m completely constipated thn i m still ok. if i pass only small amnt of stool thn i feel almost ok.
i usually have light sensitivity...if i go out in sunlight thn whole day my eyes will feel darkness inside the home.
3) i have to eat in 15 min to avoid stomach tightness and breathlessness.
4) after eating i start feeling weak/over relaxed/ sleepy for 15 min. so weak that i can sleep again for 1 hr. this is worst on costipated days. i feel lightheadedness also..as if my head will fall off my neck.
5) after that i feel little better but i can not go out side or move alot..coz i feel very unbalanced and dizzy on movements. and thn around 3 hrs after breakfast i feel extremely weak, i checked my blood sugar many times..its around 90-110, checked my bp, its always on lower normal (110/65). i feel like fainting and feel like i have been drugged. if i sleep..i feel my mind is active but my body is not responsive.
6) i feel alot of gas and stomach tightness soon after this..
7) thn i eat my lunch in sleepy condition..i feel better 15 min after eating and feel fine till 4-5 pm (this is the best time of day when i can go out and walk for few min and do some excercise).i ususally work on computer at this time..i burp or flatulate alot
8) i can never go out in sunlight..if i do so i feel sore eyes for 2 days...i use alot of icepacking and artificial tears to help dry eyes..they help a little..
9) 5-6 pm i feel urge for bowel movement and i feel hungry and take banana shake with some protein powder for excercise..
10) sometimes my body is so wobbley and like rubber that i cant do excercise .
11) after excercise i feel better for 1 hr thn i feel very weak again.
12) i eat some chicken or eggs after excerciseat around 6pm..makes me constipated if i eat more.
13) at arund 8-9 pm i eat dinner. burps alot thn i work on computer or watch movies ( watching movies also makes my eyes feel weird next day.) thn i sleep..
14) i sleep fine, sometimes i cant sleep becoz of constipation
15) i cant eat alot of sweet thing as it makes me drowsy or sleepy for atleat half n hr...then gradually i feel better.
16) excercise keeps me relaxed next day if i dont do excercise thn i feel very tight in chest neck and head after 1 day..
above is my lifestyle since last 4 years..i have trying to figure out some way out..i tried moving around but i get soooo tired that i have to get bedrest for a week sometimes..i get fevers with extreme physical hardwork like driving car for 2 hrs(which is day to day work for other people)
i m taking calcium, vit d, and take small dose of vit b
as you have already seen all the tests are normal but i know something is going wrong..
i dont have energy..i m not gaining weight..lost 25 kg in 1 year before starting excercise
i have extreme motion sensitivity..i feel unbalanced alot..
and i totally know anxiety. i have tried to help myself with alot of anxity audio books, and that why i m fighting for my health now..coz i know its not only anxiety.
i need your help coz i m not a doctor. but i can explain my condition. plz ask me few questions if you need to..i can give very specific answers and may be it will help u diagnose..
i know adrenal fatigue, thyroid relations, stress hormones and its effects..but what do i have..i dont know. how can i recover. resting all day is not a solution for me.i want myself back..
thanks for listening to me doctor..hope someone could help me.
and sir apart from above symptoms i have continuous balance problems and unrealistic world kind of feelings...specially on movement..if i m sittng and working on computer thn it doesnt bother much..but on movement like walking or in a market i feel extremely unreal world kind of feeling..and it defenitily makes me anxious many times..
bright light, driving, neck strain or reading makes it worst..
I read your query.
This time you have mentioned balance problems.Balance is controlled in brain.So,please go for a CT scan Brain.It may give clue to any problem.Till then,you can take Cinnarizine tablet.
Everything will be OK with Yoga and meditation.
Please practise them.
Wish you good health

I sincerely request you to stop thinking that you have a disease.
Wish you good health

one last question that do u think i should consult with a psychiatrist again about my anxiety levels and treatment...along with all other lifestyle improvements..
i actually want to get everything sorted out and live my life happily and actively again..
thanks so much for the support
I request you to XXXXXXX a Psychologist or a person who deals with Personality development rather than psychiatrist.
As you too want to get sorted out and live happily,definitely there will be improvement.
Please read books of XXXXXXX Carnegie.
You also practise yoga and meditation.You will observe miraculous improvement.
Wish you good health

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