Have Neck Pain, Lump In Throat, Sore Shoulder, Tiredness. Am Diabetic. Brain Aneurysm?
Thanks for your query.
Brain Aneurysm may not present with symptoms you have now. Need not worry that could not be the cause for the neck pain you have.
The pain in the neck and the sensation of a lump could probably be due to inflammation of the Pharynx secondary to infection. You may have to consult an ENT specialist who can examine and confirm the fact. Also place you on antibiotics which is definitive treatment for such conditions.
Do not delay getting treated owing to your diabetic state, there may be chances of the infection to progress faster and lead intensified symptoms soon.
Do gargle with antiseptic solution like CHLORHEXIDINE twice daily after food. This will help to contain the infection and prevent progression.
Hope, I answered your query.
Please let me know if there are any other concerns.