Have Perianal Abscess. Noticed Fibrous Tissue. What Could Be Causing The Fibroids? On Antibiotics
Perianal abscess is a very painful condition around the anus.Patient cant sit properly on hard surface due to pain.
If you have pain in the area around anus,it could be abscess.
Fibrous tissue is different from Fibroids.Fibroids are seen in the uterus,where as fibrous tissue can form any where.
Your surgeon might have found hard like area around anus and so he diagnosed it as fibrosis and possibility of abscess.
If at all it is mild infection,it should be subsided by now as you are taking higher antibiotics.
If the pain and hardness/swelling are not subsiding,better go for incision and drainage of the abscess.
When a patient comes to me immediately after pain in the anus area,i will put him on antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs.If it is not relieved in 2 days,i will incise and drain the pus.
Once abscess is formed,even stronger antibiotics will not help.
So,take decision quickly.
The procedure is very simple,just 5 minutes only.
It has no relation to Anal fissure,haemorrhoids,lichen sclerosis.
You can feel for yourself.If the swelling is painful if you touch it,then abscess is confirmed.Go for incision and drainage.
Wish you good health.
If you have any queries,i will clarify further