Have Purple Thread Veins. How To Get Rid Of This?
My daughter has purple thread veins on her face. She is only 2 and always wears factor 50+ when out and it's XXXXXXX Any Idea how to rid her of these? I'd hate the thought of her being bullied :'( they are purple and up to half a centimetre long. No one in our family has these
First, this is commonly seen in children, especially female.
It looks like just visible and prominent face veins and this is commonly found in her age and in children with sensitive, thin and delicate skin as she has.
You should do nothing at this point because during next few years her skin will mature as a part of body growth and deelopment. Her face will accumulate subcutaneous fatty tissue and face muscles will become more prominent. And in most cases these visible veins completely disappear or subside in next 1-3 years.
There are some more complex vein anomalies such as spider veins, haemangiomas or venous malformations, but I dont think this is in her case. She has simple prominent vein. So, I dont recommend use of special creams or invasive methods. This would be only contraproductive. You just need to be patient, her look will go through many phases in her early development and I am sure no therapy will be necessary at all.
Of course, if this persists and after she starts social relations, it can be managed by laser, cryotherapy and surgical therapy at any time. There is definitely no reason to do it now as this will probably pass spontaneously as I have already explained. Also, sun has nothing to do with this, but continue with high factor protections because of other harmful sunlights effects.
As I can see, this really is not some cosmetic problem at present and there is no need to be worried at all.
You have very sweet daughter, enjoy with her and have a nice day.
WIsh you good health. If you have any questions I ll be glad to help.