Have Reactive Airway Disease Due To Breathing Paint Fumes. Left Side Chest Pains Constantly. Possibilities?
Thank you.
Thanks for the query
A dull type of pain not related to exertion rules out pain due to cardiac reasons.
It is most likely due to a non cardiac problem
1. Pleura- pleurisy.
This is a lining of the lung and most often when this lining gets infected then there will be a pin prick to dull pain present through out the day and intensity changes with each respiration
2. Bones
Bony tenderness of the rib cage also causes pain which is of dull nature. However bone pain will be tender to touch
3. Muscles
Most often this is the cause for pain in young individuals. This can happen due to exercise or trauma, wrong sleeping posture, etc
In your case it is most likely to be pleurisy. More so because you have a reactive airway disease and we have to rule out air in the pleural cavity
Please approach a pulmonologist. Your work up should include
1. Blood workup - complete blood count with erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total creat phospokinase.
2. Chest x XXXXXXX
3. Pulmonary function test
Pain killers like aceclofenac will help reduce pain to a certain extent. Please XXXXXXX your doctor for a prescription
I hope I have answered your query, if there are no further queries please accept my answer
I wish you good health