Have Small Lump In Chest. Found White Smelly Discharge When Squeezed. Feel Sore And Have Pain. Advice?
ruptured cyst.Surgical removal will help.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to health care magic.
Small lump with white discharge on squeezing most probably point towards sebaceous cyst.
Such type of cysts are common and occur anywhere on body.They are due to blockage of gland ducts.
Sebaceous cyst can remain quite many years without any trouble.At times the cyst material gets ruptured and contents come out of capsule.This leads to irritation,redness,pain .This condition is known as inflamed sebaceous cyst.
Hard,sore lump in your case mostly suggest cyst has become inflamed.
To reduce pain and soreness first you need to take oral antibiotics like amoxy clav with antiinflamatory drugs.But definite treatment for cyst is surgical excision.
Cyst contents along with capsule is removed which also prevents recurrence in future life.You can consult your doctor for this.
In any case do not try to squeeze the cyst it will lead to more irritation and inflamation.
I hope this will solve your query.In case of any concerns i will be happy to help you.Take care.