Have Small Rashes On Chest And Feeling Sick. Living With HIV Infected Person. Worried About Transmission.
I ve red your story few times, I understand your concerns but the risk of HIV transmission is really negligible. It is always advisable to take special care of children when there is a possible contact with HIV+ people( no matter how bad it sounds). But this particular case doesnt seems to be risky for transmission. There has not been a single known instance of HIV being transmitted trough casual contact in the environment.
First, it is true that HIV can be transmitted from one open wounds to another. But this should be close contact of relatively deep open wound with active bleeding,both wounds of course. Even in these cases risk is less than 0.05%.
Secondly, HIV virus dies within minutes outside the body. His xbox remote could be contaminated by sweat,hair or sebaceous suet. These substances cant transmiss HIV virus.
People are always confused by ARS(acute retroviral syndrome) and always think of the worse when they notice it. But this syndrom include most common nonspecific smyptoms of any respiratory infection, flu, allergy, migraine or some other benign conditions.
ARS usually develops 1-4 weeks after exposure and his signs and symptoms sound like respiratory infection which commonly goes with upper bidy rash in his age,but for exact diagnosis I suggest to visit pediatrician.
If you dont trust me and want to be sure about the diagnosis you can do HIv testing but I dont see any reason for it.
WIsh you good health. If you have any question I ll be glad to help.
If this was performed earlier just repeat the test for few weeks if you want to be 100% sure. But as I said, considering the risk of transmission and now negative ora-quick there is really no possibility of infection.