Have Small Vessel Ischemic Disease. Feeling Dizzy And Unbalance Coordination. Is It Stroke?
Thanks for writing in.
I am a medical specialist with an additional degree in Cardiology.
To a large extent the disease can be halted. Some other vessels which are smaller open up to restore blood supply provided the disease(s) contributing to it are well controlled. You have identified Diabetes. Physiotherapy is important it stimulate the demand in the affected area which then releases molecules (identified but not yet able to be used as drugs) which stimulate blood supply restoration. Stem cell therapy is another exciting thing not yet suitable for clinical use but promise for future.
Some other things which have been found useful:
Dietary supplements that may be helpful for people with small vessel disease include:
1.Coenzyme Q10. This coenzyme, which is naturally present in your body, can
improve blood pressure and circulation when taken as a supplement. Coenzyme
Q10, taken in daily doses up to 200 milligrams, may improve small vessel blood
flow in people with diabetes and coronary artery disease, and could have a
similar effect in people with small vessel disease of brain.
2. L-arginine. This amino acid that's normally used by the body to help metabolize
protein may help treat symptoms of small vessel disease by relaxing your blood
As with any other alternative therapy, talk to your doctor before adding any supplements to your treatment to ensure that they won't interfere with any medications you're already taking. Good Luck.
With Best Wishes
Dr Anil Grover,
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
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