Have Sore Palate And Noticed White Spots On It. What Is The Cause And Cure?
Thanks for the query.
I do agree that a sore mouth is an uncomfortable condition which gives you a dry feeling. Although most of the times, it is harmless; it still should be taken note and care of.
The most common causes for this soreness are poking by chips as you mentioned, consumption of hot and spicy food; smoking or chewing tobacco; infection; low immunity; lack of B12 and folate; sometimes stress and very rarely due to cancer even
Normally such soreness goes in couple of week's time. You may take some following measures like
- Avoiding chips and hot and spicy foods
- Taking B complex vitamins
- Avoiding smoking or tobacco and alcohol if any
- Using soft toothbrush
- Using local gel like LIDEX.
Since both you and your daughter have the same problem, it seems that the condition has been brought upon by consumption of some hard or hot and spicy food. In case the symptoms aggravate, I would urge you to visit a nearby doctor to look for other signs of infection.
I hope it helps; however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck
Yes,it may be a B vitamin deficiency. Take this vitamin in proper dose for at least 2 weeks to see the response. Hopefully it should be all right. However if it doesn't become all right as I mentioned above,you may have to consult your doctor.
Best wishes...