Have Vertigo, MRI Normal, Eye Tracking Off, Noises In Ears, Balance Problems. Could The Symptoms Stem From Inner Ear Disturbance?
Thanks for your query.
I appreciate your efforts for medical consultation in so much distress.
Important aspects of your query are:
• 43 year old female
• Known case of agoraphobia from childhood (anxiety in open spaces)
• Concern related to dizziness in open spaces and tinnitus
If we see ear related issues: tinnitus may be related to ear problems like wax or Meniere's disease. As your case is already a diagnostic difficulty for your attending specialist, ear specialist opinion will help in that. He need to examine your ear, inner ear and review you MRI findings. Some time diagnosis is difficult even after these efforts.
As your most of tests are normal with abundance of symptoms which is typical picture of patient with agoraphobia. You need to get examined by psychiatrist. I have seen many case, who improved within 1 month of treatment. If not all, your most of the symptoms will improve with treatment. There is no need to visit neurologist in current situation.
You can continue Lisinopril with HCTZ as your vertigo problem started before the initiation of these medicines.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow ups.
Wish you good health.
Vertigo usually occur in inner ear problem but you are already on treatment for that. From your description it is clear that you have lots of anxiety and health related worry, even fear for having brain tumor which points toward the presence of anxiety disorder. Anxiety may also lead to dizziness in many cases.
Before any treatment further it is better to seek consultation, first from psychiatrist, so that your anxiety related symptoms and exacerbation of other symptoms because of anxiety will stop occurring, irrespective of diagnosis.
Wish you good health.