Have Yeast Infection. Temporary Relief From Desonide. Suggest Any Safe And Effective Cure
In fact, small portion of skin below penis XXXXXXX on the shaft becoming leathery in texture and seems to be getting bigger. NEED HELP!!!!
Thanks for your query.Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have problem of getting Ring Worm Infection frequently.
Apart from applying medical gel following measures will help to eradicate infection.
1) Wash your inner wares in hot water mixed with antiseptic solution Dettol
2) Do not use tight inner wares.It should be loose.
3) Observe Proper personal hygiene by washing Genital and groin with warm water twice daily.
As regards your problem of foreskin It will be better if you post photograph so as to make any comment about it. Based on the fact that you have posted it may be what is called as Balanitis Xerotica Obliterance.( B.X.O.)
Hope I have answered your query.Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.