Having Kidney Stone Problem. Stones Too Small To Be Surgically Removed. USG Test Done. Suggest Course Of Treatment
request suggest course of treatment. what is the best option available in india to remove this 13 mm stone vis a vis the position of the stone. at present despite the stone being in the ureter i have no pain and the flow of urine is normal. regards.
Thanks for your query. Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have Bilateral Urolithiasis.
You had acute pain in Rt Loin. This pain is due to the 13 mm stone obstructed at the junction of lower and middle 1/3 of the ureter.
Normally there is no pain due to stone itself but when stone gets obstructed in the ureter there is obstruction to the flow of urine from kidney to Bladder and urine gets accumulated in ureter proximal to the site of obstruction resulting in to dilatation of ureter and kidney what is called as Hydronephrosis. The pain is due to this hydronephrosis.
Aim of the treatment in such a situation is to relieve pain and to save the kidney from further damage. This is achieved by doing endoscopic procedure called Ureterorenoscopy (URS).
In this procedure, stone is fragmented either by lesser energy or pneumatic lithotripsy and the flow of the urine from kidney to bladder is restored. This is being done even in smaller towns in India by Urologist or trained general surgeons.
As regards stone in left kidney as they are non obstructing they can be left alone and expected to pass through normal urinary passage in few months.
Hope I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.