Question: hi,i was on zispin(mertizapine for 15 years originally for depreesion,but ended up staying on them to help me sleep,.after tapering off very slowly over 12months,ive lost a bit of weight id gained,but now my head feels "full" all the time with lots of pressure,feeling and hearing my hearts pulse beating in my head.. ive been off mertizapine for 6months,yet,although i can nodd off to sleep,i soon find myself waking after 2or3 hours,with tightness and ringing in my head,. im totally shattered but cant go back to sleep,. my chocolate cravings are very powerful and need to eat chocolate without fail. i love keeping fit,eat healthy except for the chocolate.i get pins and needles very easily(sitting on the toilet).. crawling sensations on the temple of my head..when i do train,run,weights etc,i my sleep worsens that night,and will not be able to train the next day,as my sleep will of not depressed but im starting to feel low again.all these sypmtoms point to
anxiety,but im not worrying about anything!! my gp said unless i dont go back on zispin,ill just have to "live with it"..i dont want to be on medication,it took a long time to come off,but im suffering and struggling to get up to physically fit as i can be with the small amount of sleep i sleep feels none productful. i have lots of things to look forward to and hate feeling this head is constantly ringing and pounding(not
severe pain)at the front,sides and rear.