Having Dry Throat And Difficulty In Swallowing Saliva. Found High Tsh Level. Prognosis?
My name is XXXXXXX . I am felling little difficulty in swallowing saliva and strongly feeling something in my throat. I'm feeling, my throat is dry and little bit of blood came from my throat.I am feeling little pain in my heart. I am getting hives since 5 months. Previously doctors did blood work and found nothing. Recently I am having these problems (as staed above). Four days back I went to dermatologist , She ordered thyroid antibody tests and found TSH=4.76(normal range: 0.358-3.74mlU/ml ),T3 Uptake=29(normal range 30-39%). They also did sonogram on heart and thyroid.They are waiting for the results. So can you tell me what could be the reason for these problems . Waiting for your reply....
Welcome to XXXXXXX forum.
Let me know the associated symptoms along with throat discomfort.
Do you have fever/ sore throat/ running nose/ pain during swallowing?
Do you have cuh along with phlegm?
With the available described symptoms, there appears to be possibility of upper respiratory tract pathology;most likely involvement of tonsils and surrounding tissue.
Presence of difficulty in swallowing and blood suggests the diagnosis.
With upper respiratory tract infection, there is some sort of edema in affected mucosa and blood may come out with frequent irritation.
As such there is no correlation between mentoned symptoms and thyroid disorder.
Presence of blood signifies the involvement of throat.
Your thyroid profile is also in normal limit.
Considering your age and mentioned symptoms, there appears to be least possibility of heart disease.
You should consult with XXXXXXX medicine specialist and ENT surgeon simultaneously and should go for thorough check up.
You should go for thorough upper respiratory tract examination by means of laryngoscopy.
You should go for complete hemogram, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), chest x XXXXXXX and throat swab culture & sensitivity.
Treatment depends on the diagnosed disease.
You should take complete antibiotic course along with decongestants and NSAIDs on written prescription (if suffering from tonsillitis).
Avoid cold drinks, sour and oily food.
Perform garglesthreetimes in day with lukewarm water and a pinch of salt.
Hope that helps.
Let me know if I can address any more concerns.
Take care,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava
There appears to be possibility of pharyngeal pathology which can only be detected by laryngoscopy only.
As fever,chills and cough is absent, possibility of infection appears to be low while you should consult with ENT surgeon.
Any major disease involving throat, pharynx and tonsils must be rules out.
Best regards,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava