Having Early Periods With Heavy Blood Colts. What Could Be The Cause?
Thanks for the query.
The possible causes for your problem are:
-Hormonal imbalance: sometimes fluctuation in the estrogen, progesterone etc. hormonal levels can lead to irregular periods.
As you are having painless bleeding there is more possibility for bleeding due to hormonal problem.
-Structural causes like polyps, fibroids etc.
-Sometimes thyroid hormonal abnormality can also lead to menstrual irregularity.
-if there is any possibility of pregnancy, better to rule out miscarriage also.
So you once consult gynecologist, take tablets to stop the bleeding, get examined and go for one ultrasound.
By doing ultrasound any possible structural causes can be rule-out and also the pattern of the endometrium can be studied.
If your doctor suggests you can go for hormonal profile.
By this workup the possible cause for your problem can be identified and treatment can be given accordingly.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries. If you are satisfied with all my answer, please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.