Having Fever. Blood Work Done. What Are The Chances Of Dengue? What Care To Be Taken?
Yes, my 18 year old daughter has high fever since two days, her doctor asked to do a cbc, in which wbc and platelet count came out low. the doctor is unavailable now due to a long weekend here in Puerto rico. I am wondering if she got dengue, and what should I do to care for her.
Thanks for writing in.
I am a medical specialist with an additional degree in cardiology.
I read your question with diligence.
She could be suffering from Dengue fever with leuckopenia (low white blood cell count) and thrombocytopenia (low platelet count). I both cases treatment line would be as follows:
Dengue Fever:
There are no specific anti-viral tablets or injections that can kill the virus. However a lot of supportive care and treatment can go a long way to save a patient suffering from dengue fever.
Fever is treated by anti-pyretics, like paracetamol (which is available OTC)
Pain in the bone should be treated by analgesics or pain killing tablets. Paracetamol will take care of that too.
In case of Dengue Fever with leucopenia & thrombocytopenia or leukopenia and thrombocytopenia; there is always risk of superadded infection and bleeding. Therefore hospitalization is a must. The mortality rate in the absence of hospitalization can be as high. With proper treatment the mortality comes down to 3%. More supportive treatment, like intravenous fluid replacement is required to prevent shock in these patients.
Now doming to logistics there must be a hospital and the doctor will not be the only one; apart from other doctors and health care providers must be there running the hospital. There will be some arrangement of tackling emergency cases on weekend. My suggestion will be to take your son with all the record to the hospital. If need be call call district dengue control officer or health officer, your son shall be admitted. Good Luck. If you have further query, I shall be pleased to answer asap
With Best Wishes
Dr Anil Grover,
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
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