Having Frequent Diarrhoea And Abdominal Pain. Colonoscopy Done. Bacterial Or Protozoal Infection?
Thanks for the query
Some common causes of frequent diarrhea are infections like bacterial or protozoal, Irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease or lactose intolerance and hypergastrric motility.
The Irritable bowel syndrome is mostly diagnosed through colonscopy and celiac disease and lactose intolerance are mostly diagnosed at early childhood. cancer have total different presentation including hemorrhage and weight lose.
The infections are mostly diagnosed on complete examination of stool which would show ova in case of protozoal or amoebic infections.
you might be having either infections or gastric hyper-motility which causes the food to digest at faster rate and hence resulting in diarrhea.
There for It is recommended to have stool complete examination to rule infections. Antacids like magnesium carbonate have good effects against hyper motility. Bulky foods are too effective against such problems as a home remedy. A visit to gastroenterologist will be helpful.
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