Having Frequent Urination. Urine Analysis Done. What Does The Values Signify?
Color: Light Yellow
Appearence: Clear
Specific Gravity: 1.015
PH 7.0
Neg for Leukocytes, nitrites, protien, glucose, ketons.
Urobilingogen 0.2
Bilirubin Neg
WBC- in lab
I have had frequent urination.. once an hour, excessive amounts for weeks.. I get up 2 or 3 times a night.
What could this be?
I had a CT urogram of the pelvis and adm. about 2 months ago and all fine. Had pap a few weeks ago all fine.
Thanks for posting your query.
The urine report you have mentioned is within normal limits and is not suggestive of any pathology.
What you seem to be having is called polyuria. It can be due to excessive consumption of fluids, intake of diuretic fluids like caffeine, chocolate, coffee, tea, soft drinks, hot spicy foods; juices high in acid and alcoholic beverages.
But from your symptoms of increased frequency of urination, it is important to rule out diabetes mellitus as well. Diabetes insipidus is a less likely possibility because it is often associated with excessive thirst along with excessive urination.
To completely rule it out, you can get water deprivation test and urine analysis done. This test helps determine the cause of diabetes insipidus. Along with this, you need to get a fasting blood sugar and a HBA1c (Glycosylated Hemoglobin) done.
Meanwhile you can try the following remedies:
1. Avoid foods that appear to irritate your bladder like caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, artificial sweeteners, chocolate, and spicy foods.
2. If you have a burning sensation while urinating, increase the intake of water and take plenty of cranberry juice.
3. Kegels exercise-These exercises help strengthen the muscles which can help you voluntarily stop and restart the flow of urine. Toning these muscles can help improve bladder control and reduce urinary urgency and frequency. Squeeze the muscles (you’ll have to contract as if you’re holding on to the urge to urinate) for three seconds, then relax for three seconds. Repeat 10 to 15 times per session, and do this at least three times a day.
Hope this answers your query. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Please accept my answer in case you do not have further queries.
Wishing you good health.
Dr. Rakhi Tayal.