Having Hardening Of Fingertips With Soreness. Drinking Water, Feeling Dehydrated And Thirsty. Any Solution?
Thanks for your query.
The resultant changes in your fingertips and nails may be due to paronychia.
Paronychia is an infection of the skin around a fingernail or toenail. The infected area can become swollen, red, and painful, and a pus-filled blister. Paronychia is caused by bacteria or fungus infection.
The changes in your fingertips and nail bed may also be a result of the following dermatological conditions:
1) Onychomycosis: Fungal infection of nails. One of the most common causes.
This is confirmed by obtaining nail material for microscopic examination and culture
2) Nail psoriasis: The changes seen here are pitting, ridging, discoloration of nails, thickening of the tissues under your nail.
I will be able to assist you further if you can upload your pictures here. You may send them to
with subject as “Attention: Dr Tanushree Biswas”
You should visit a dermatologist for the treatment of this condition.
Will be happy to assist in your follow up queries.
Best wishes,