Having Irregular Periods. Missing Periods Even After Taking Deviry 10mg. Tested Positive For Pregnancy. Any Advice?
Thanks for the query.
Among the drugs you used:
Deviry belongs to category X in pregnancy according to FDA.
Means studies in humans and animals demonstrated some adverse effects on fetus.
Flunarizine and Ameline belongs to category C.
Means studies in animals demonstrated some adverse effects on fetus but sufficient studies in humans are lacking.
These drugs can be used when benefits over weigh the risks.
Eltroxine belongs to category A.
Means studies failed to demonstrate any adverse effects on fetus.
So if you decided to continue the pregnancy consult gynecologist once and undergo ultrasound to rule out any possible abnormalities.
Then continue pregnancy with regular antenatal checkups and ultrasound examinations under care of your gynecologist.
You can continue eltroxine and regarding continuation other tablets once discuss with your doctor and decide.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries. If you are satisfied with all my answer, please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.