Having Low Blood Pressure, Low Heart Rate, Fainting. Taken Cervical Cancer Vaccination. Suffered From Bullemia And Anorexia Nervosa

The assault left me looking exactly as my aggregated abuser wanted me to, like a drug addict,it was immediately apparent that i was swelling up and
The person I was seeking safety with noticed that something had happened to me , only having seen me 6 hours prior.
I woke up the following day and appeared very swollen and looking more animated than anything like me at all.
It took me 3 days before facing my local gp because of the seriousness surrounding the incident and my fear of the consequences would face by declaring the truth of being violently attacked by my ex but knew I needed urgent help as I felt i was dying or not far from it.
On this visit I did not declare i knew what it was from,All I wanted was help to cure me from what seemed to be a serious infection or reaction. I did advise I was a recent victim of domestic violence and was now in safe environment with my parents and also explained to the gp that I believe I needed urgent help with my mind as my state of shock, raciness, sadness, depression and repeated visions or little movies of all the violence and attempted suicides I had witnessed whilst in the house I called the dungeons. i informed the dr that these thoughtswere constantly overtaking my mind almost 100% of the time and I could not control this. Here conducted a mental health assessment and I rated a score of k/10= 42/50 DASS and issued me Zoloft 30 or 50 mg and put a health treatment plan in place for depressive episodes, anxiety and eating disorder as is was very noticeably thin, for many reasons but mainly due to not being able to swallow food as it was getting stuck in my throat and my tummy would automatically churn and like it or not I would have a coughing fit until the matter came out. This still happens today.
The gp tooka swab of my skin and issued staphalex known to treat the highly infectious staph. The swap results confirmed that I was carrying staph i my blood stream and the gp advised how serious the outcome could have been if I waited any longer to be treated.
I managed to remove the majority or so I thought of the glass in the first week following which was only surface deep and carried on the antibiotics , my fear of repeated danger and post trauma to what happened during all then abuse. I did this my ex was like my master, repeatedly and simultaneously calling me,stalking me in person andon my phone byway of calls, and limited it to a tracking device application installed on my phone to know where I was at when ever he ordered me as if not threats on me. and families life continued and did not stop. My face looked somewhat scarred and not as it was before but appeared to be ontheimprove. Yes I was still on staphalex time and had4or 5 issues given to me.
About 4 or 5 weeks following the attack and my articulated plan to slowly wean this psycho away from me,my skin started to worsen. I looked as if I was getting a hundred pimples and I started developing brown marks all over my face which really made people wonder what was really going on, is she a drug addict ? Well no it was clearly the glass.
It was poking through my skin on my face very rapidly and noticeably however only to me.
This is returned to my gp,ready to talk and told him everything . He did believe me but could not fathom why I hadn't reported it to authorities . I told him I was in danger and that was why. I said that the glass was still surfacing and felt like it was embedded all through my upper body and I needed it checked but be did not investigate and said i should' see a dermatologist and arranged a referral and issued me with a cream.
With a long3-4 months waiting time at the dermo I was clearly angry and frustrated and mainly concerned that I was going to be inconstant pain for months ahead and couldn't afford to as I was previously running a successful mortgage broking business and had 2 investment properties to pay for and I was all alone to pay for all of this.
So one evening I returned to the local gp and saw a docent doctor to my usual one and briefed him on all that had happened and explained I still had glass surfacing .. He laughed and was rude and did not believe me, had me re staging how a glass bong could have been thrown from where he was vs I and kept repeating glass only comes out once. Angry and upset with this dr for making a mockery of me, I said how could be justify his statements when he didnt even look in my thorat or ears like I complained I was seriously suffering from and I wanted him to do something. He then started to take me seriously and said i should go to a local emergency of a hospital and have them investigate on their imaging equipment. I already knew the same things were bound to happen so I went to see another gp referred by a friend, and had X-rays conducted and what do u know, no findings... I them went back in a few weeks after being totally disabled and unable to work , spending 10-12 hrs per day nursing migraines, diZzyspells, nasea, coughing and dry reaching, ringing ear drums and a wounded face with still high anxiety or post trauma - being threatened to silence everyday by my abuser.
I told the dr everything that happened since, including his poor conduct of his colleague who saw me last and asked what could be done. Again never wanted to see the crazy foreign matters that were starting to pop out my face a d head like an explosion, making me feel like I had been shot in the face of back of my head every time.he repeats I had a long journey ahead and still must see police and wait to see the dermo. Well I did just that. Except I called an practically begged to see the demo ASAP rather than waiting because I believed this was much more serious than I was being treated and paid attention to.
A lovely lady heard about assault and magically an appointment appeared I. 2 weeks time. I spent that two weeks counting Down the days until I could get he'lp.
So the day May 12 came and I saw this specialist and You bet you, again mistreated.
I had a friend present to back that my face was an attack and not drug use related, but as soon as I said glass bong, and having a form or trauma or anxiety currently in medication, he instantly starts concluding our meeting, saying u need to seek psychiatric help. I was shattered and started to tear up saying that he did not even put on his glasses to take a look and stil, didn't after I said this. He said that my brain was sending messages to my body a d causing this reaction of foreign bodies that I believed and still do based on my research is a form of granuloma - fibrous encapsulated cell containing the glass, on the inside because when this shell was cracked I could see it was glass, clearly.
But again told your face will never look the same ever again and here have a three months script of doxy 50mg used to treat acne and here's some cream, an ill see u In 2 months.
Feeling heart broken sitting the with a full container of This gross looking stuff that I felt and saw shoot out parts of. Y head like the speed of light, I begged him to take a sample. He was t interested. But he knew I was not leavjng until he took a sample for testing.
I have not returned to my local gp but are due to see the specialise in a couple of hours for a review- of what I don't know,
Everytime I have shed or popped I call it, my facial appearance is getting better an better, but I have the reoccurring problem of granules coming out like clock work everyday, predominantly from the back of my head and neck, nose, throat and ears. I still have all the same symptoms as before except they are worsening every day.
I have not been able to have a full body shower ever since and have to wash my head and hair separately every day under a sink and proceed to wear thongs I the shower and pay close attentions to start washing from top to bottom as my arm and shoulders definitely have speckles exit, and crate the water to become difficult to drain as it should and looks like I have foam in the shower, but it is just the glass I know it,
2 weeks ago yesterday I was so sick and my head neck, throat was swelling again and i couldn't work the muscles to some areas of my face and it appeared to be drooping , not only that but eithe my head or neck, ears or nose was constantly leaking a clear liquid which would dry into a sticky substance and harden, looking like a clear nail polish spill???
all I could think of was I was going to die very soon if I didn't do something, even feeling suicidal because the shedding or popping as I call it is agony to not just the body but my mental stability, there are gross foreign Tissue pieces of me everywhere I look and I do nothing but remain housebound, sick and excluded from the world, collecting pieces of my head every day from every room I enter. It's disgusting and I have had all I can manage alone when dealing with the entirety of this situation alone. I deadheaded doxy to find it was plain XXXXXXX Achne meds and had no antibodies to treat infection at all. It was lucky I had a few staphalex there to fight for me, as almost immediately after stopping doxy and taking staphalex my head stared to release a hundred pieces and my face swelling and overall pain returned to normal levels. However everything is the same , except the clear liquid seeping out is on and off??
My question after my long story is if I have a form of granuloma or fibrous tissues encapsulating the foreign body, and this lies in my ear drums, up my nose, in the back of my throat and everywhere on the back of my head, am I at a great risk of losing my life if perhaps this foreign body embedded surfaces and strikes a wrong Nerve or artery on the way out?? Like my jugular or anything else? Do you have any recommendations at all for me good or bad based on my true life story and bodily side effects.
I have done alot of research about other patients who had glass remaining embedded encapsulated and have granuloma, but they seem to be much smaller pieces and i places like a foot or hand, and a lot less risky if u ask me. And these people' have stated they had theirs surgically removed??? What should I do? I have endless containers of this stuff which also includes everything else that comes with its execution from my head, like silky stringy bits that look like hair at first glance or fluff, but I assure u it is rising and seeping through my skin all the time.
Every day the shape and size and look of the glass forms differ, some days it's encapsulated granules that exit and others it is clear plain glass to see . I have also had poor memory are always dizzy and Nauseous and predominantly live off ice creams and drinks to keep me alive as I will also have granuloma pieces try and exit immediately once something solid enters and its traumatic and I can't do it, the dry reaching i cannot control. Please help? Have u ever heard of this and know what I should do? I am 26 years old and had a lot to live for but each day is another day I get worse medically and financially I am I hardship with all my creditors and my business is obsolete as if it never were happening and I am on sickness social services benefits , something I have never had to turn to in my life.
I live every day , reminded and replaying the situation over and over without choice, and are highly strung, sad emotional and as mentioned sometimes feeling suicidal and giving up fight. I will never put myself to bed like I used to as my dreams are now daily night terrors and its all relating to assault and reliving the scenario or involves the abuser doing something nasty to me so instead of going to bed I stay as busy as I can until my exhaustion puts me to sleep, and there is often no recollection of how I got to sleep , why I was where I lay and often have what feels like amnesia when I do wake up having r
Trouble remembering where I was, what day it's is and what I was supposed to do that day, and then the crying and extensive sadness starts I need peace.
You will be happy to know I am working with police to get justice and they believe me more Than anyone, but with being housebound and embarressed of spitting out pieces In the police station we are so far into the third month without a completed report to even start the criminal justice system etc.
Anything you can do to help me and provide suggestions or other know. Facts I greatly appreciate and welcome.
It's about time someone does something as I am already aware I will be ushered out the office after a birds I view one off glance left to pay a XXXXXXX for no reason.
I am going as I want to adhere to a dr request for review, but I know what's happening is much more deeper than
Then skins surface and would give my right arms for some answers and help to get me back to a healthy way to continue existing and start living a life Again.
I am more than happy to give you more information or pictures etc to explain further but hopefully you or someone from a professional background has and these dealings before!???.
Thanks so much In advance for hearing my story , your help means the world to me,
Kind regard
I am deeply saddened by your history. I cannot imagine these kinds of gestures happen in the world even now. I am extremely sorry about the same.
I have read your query with diligence. My only wish is you recover quickly, get out of this pothole, and be able to lead a normal peaceful life again.
Here are my suggestions to you:
If there is a granuloma or fibrous tissue encapsulating the foreign body present in you, then there is a definite chance of it to hit a wrong nerve or artery on its way out. Yes, jugular or the carotids may be affected.
Do you have any recommendations at all for me good or bad based on my true-life story and bodily side effects?
Your answer is here: You have undergone extensive mutilation and bodily injuries. This kind of sticky discharge from your ears, nose, and throat would continue to occur for a few more weeks until you are cured completely.
I would suggest you to continue taking Doxycycline for 3 more weeks and apply the ointment as well. You can also try Topical Soframycin ointment all over the injured parts of your body.
I am sorry; I am trembling while I write this answer to you. I am in tears :( I apologize.
Yes, you can get your lesion excised surgically as well.
Do not waste your time and money going to different doctors. Get the refill for Doxycline. Purchase the ointment Soframycin over the counter. You do not need a doctor's prescription for this.
What should I do? Please help?
Start your own treatment therapy at home. Once you feel better, you can proceed with the police formalities.
You have survived the hardship, now it’s time for you to get up and keep moving forward without turning back.
Sometimes, a person is his own help than anyone else in the world.
Have u ever heard of this and know what I should do?
I have not heard of such a grievous injury in my practice. However, I have tried my best to help you based on the practical exposures.
I need peace - You need to find it for yourself XXXX; no one gives it to you neither can you purchase it. Rest of the world would only ruin your peace. Try to find the peace within yourself.
P.S. You are an amazing and marvelous person. Glad to know you.

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