Having Pain In Abdominal Area, Constipated And Have Venous Stasis Ulcer. Colonoscopy Has Shown Diverticula And Removed Some Polyps. Advise?
considering your medical history and age this is likely to be diverticulitis which means that there is inflammation of colon diverticules.it goes with such pain and constipatio, but also constipation is common side effect of lortab.. If I am right then the right diagnosis can be established only by ct scan.colonoscopy should not be done if there is suspected diverticulitis. other possible causes are polyps, ibs or tumors and it should be checked by colonoscopy but as I said it should be done for more than 6 weeks after diverticulitis attack. Diverticulitis is treated primary by antibiotics but if there is recurring attack it should be managed surgically.wish you good health.if you have any questions I ll be glad to help.Regards