Having Pain In Bones, Fevers, Night Sweats, Bruise And Feeling Chills. What Is The Problem?
Thanks for asking this question.
I am a qualified and certified cardiologist. I read your question with diligence. In fact as cardiologist, one does come across people whose cholesterol had been high and lowered below say 125 mg % with drugs. You titrate the dosage of drugs. I have not come across a person of cholestrerol below 100 mg% therefore, I did medical literature search. Here is the modified extract what Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minnesota, has to say about it (Source: Gau, XXXXXXX "Cholesterol Level: Can It Be Too Low? XXXXXXX Mayo Clinic. 17 July 2006. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 22 Feb 2008
High total cholesterol levels are bad too much of this wax-like, fatty substance in the blood can lead to artery disease (atherosclerosis), heart disease, or stroke.
However, compared to high cholesterol, low cholesterol is pretty much off most people's radars. Reducing high cholesterol as a strategy for preventing or treating heart disease, there is much less agreement on how (or whether) to respond to very low cholesterol levels.
Can cholesterol levels be too low? From the standpoint of heart health, probably not. On the other hand, unusually low levels of cholesterol could undermine the body in other areas, including the brain, liver, and digestive system.
But there is a chicken-and-egg aspect to this problem, which scientists have been sorting through for at least two decades. Sometimes low cholesterol causes harm; other times, it simply seems to be a result of an existing disease. It can provide benefits in one area and do harm in another.
For example, over a long period, very low cholesterol levels increase the odds of hemorrhagic stroke. Though scientific data is insufficient to prove it. Such strokes, supposedly, are more likely in individuals with low cholesterol levels because blood with small amounts of cholesterol does not clot as easily. However, and ischemic stroke (which is far more prevalent) occurs when clots or other material blocks blood flow to the brain -- cholesterol is a major source of such blockages. You have bruises which can have explanation now.
Cholesterol also plays a role in brain function. It appears that insufficient brain cholesterol hinders the action of serotonin, a chemical that carries messages between brain cells and that is closely associated with mood. Abnormally low cholesterol levels have been linked to depression and anxiety. Some of your symptoms thus could be attributed to it.
For other conditions, low cholesterol is more of a symptom than a cause. The liver produces about three-quarters of our body's cholesterol supply, with the remaining supply coming from diet, especially from meat, eggs, dairy and seafood. Not surprisingly, cholesterol levels can drop if the liver is compromised due to alcoholism, cancer, or another disease. Any serious disease of the gastrointestinal tract or malnutrition can also reduce cholesterol levels.
The Bottom Line
Cholesterol is absolutely essential to the body and is present in every cell. Without it, sex hormones would not be produced and food digestion could not take place.
The best plan of action is to keep total cholesterol within the middle range, somewhere between 150 and 200 mg/dL.
First thing is to re confirm that there is no laboratory error (I am sure you would have done that). Since high cholesterol is far more common than low, the best way to keep cholesterol levels within the normal range is to maintain healthy lifestyle choices: Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole-grain breads and nuts; limit whole-fat foods, processed flours and sugars; and get plenty of exercise.
Coming to your main question last, the symptoms you have described have not known to be associated in any way with low cholesterol. If you have treavelled abroad to more exotic locales, I would urge that you see your doctor and see if any more tests needs to be done? Try taking low fiber diet for abdominal distension and discomfort. OTC drug- as food supplement/spices- Isabgol is available in many flavours, in the UK; taking it will set your bowels right. Maintain a fever and symptoms chart to be shown to the doctor will help in planning further investigations. Pain in your left side of chest on XXXXXXX breathing points to pleural disease. Chest x-ray must have been done during health screening. If not please get it done. An illness like tubeculosis (combining your fever night sweats bring this to fore, needs exclusion. Frankly it is not yet possible to assign any disease as the cause of your discomforting symptoms. If you have a followup question, I will be only too happy to answer this time specifically. Good Luck.
With best wishes.
Dr Anil Grover,
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)http://www/ WWW.WWWW.WW