Having Pale White Discharge. Feel Cramps And Bloated. Had Unprotected Sex And Took Plan B. Observed Spotting. Conceived?
Having unprotected sex on day 7 or 8 after the start of the menstrual period (14/15 XXXXXXX for a period that started on the 8th of june) is not very risky, and the likelihood of falling pregnant is actually very low, though still possible. HAVING TAKEN EMERGENCY contraception, the possibility becomes lower again. However, it would still be a good idea to carry out a routine pregnancy test in case in case your periods delay or do not come on time.
Considering the routine spotting you experience, it might be possible that this could be simple finishing drops as your period ends. Another possibility is spotting occurs during ovulation in some women, but it should not be on day 7, as you describe in your case. A careful evaluation and follow up by your gynecologist could be necessary.
The whitish discharge I am afraid might not have anything to do with pregnancy. Whitish vaginal discharge is generally due to yeast infections, Candida Albicans. Its true that other parasites like Trichomonas Vaginal or Gardenerella could be implicated. When present, the discharge usually starts turning towards yellowish with an accompanying inflammation of vagina and cervix, presenting with itches. I proper gynecological examination is very necessary, as well as a collection of the discharge cytology , culture and drug sensitivity testing.
Treatment depends on the cause, and with a proper physical examination and laboratory testing, its very feasible and effective.
I suggest you book an appointment with a gynecologist. Feel free asking further questions if need be.
Best regards and wishing you good health.
Bain LE, MD.
Thanks for precising once again the characteristics of the discharge. I would love to know exactly if you have irregularities ever with your menstrual cycle.
As you rightly suggest, these signs are symptoms are very compatible with ovulation. If associated with increased breast heaviness or pressure and in some women, increased sexual desire, it further strengthens the possibility it s pre ovulation.
I would therefore suggest you remain calm and observe for a few days for these symptoms are supposed to fade out, in case it pre ovulation within 72 hours.
Persistence should prompt a consultation wit your doctor for other possible causes to be actively searched for.
Wishing you the best of health. Feel free asking further questions if need be. Best regards,
Bain LE, MD.
I tried to direct this energy towards my husband but he just laughs it off and I'm not therefore attracted to him. All my life sex was like exercise, it was something I had to do as a wife, I never had an orgasm or felt pleasure, it was just a thing I did. Before I got married, I only lost my virginity at age 24 because I was always shy and afraid of sex. I would have thought that with age, sexual desire would decrease and not increase! What's going on?
Regarding ovulation, can a woman ovulate 1 week after period? This would explain monthly spotting!
Just want to say you are a super awesome doctor!
The natural tendency usually as you rightly put is a decrease in sexual desire with age. paradoxically, the reverse is observed in certain women who present with increased sexual desire. Other important determinants of a sexual life must be considered in this scene. Sexual activity has a big psychological role to play. The state of the mind, whether one is depressed or not could predict sexual desire and satisfaction. Individuals are different, and in an intimate sexual relationship as marriage, each partner should know the circumstances that arouse the other sexually and know the parts of the body that excite the partner most. This could actually improve sexual quality, especially with respect to orgasms. Some ladies might get to orgasm when kissing, others sex, other excitation of the clitoris or the breast. If your husband knows your sensitive points, this could help.
Spotting 7 days after menstruation is actually very rare but possible. Spotting occurs during ovulation around the 14th day, counting from the very first day you start menstruating.
I suggest you stay calm for now, but persistence of any irregularities should the consultation of a gynecologist.
Thanks and best regards as I wish you the the best of health. Do not hesitate asking further questions if need be. Wishing you good health.
Bain LE, MD.
I think u figured out that the sexual encounter I had was not with my husband. I think that due to a lack of intimacy in what clearly is a marriage coming to an end and my increased sexual desire I found pleasure in the arms of another man. Granted, it did satisfy my physically. This plan b is supposed to prevent ovulation so why am I ovulating and why is my stomach feeling full and funny? Just want to be sure that this plan b worked. How soon does conception happen anyway and what are the chances of pregnancy in my case! 50 percent? Less!
It would be very important to know exactly that its true ovulation that are occurring by doing ultrasound scans to observe the ovaries. psychological factors could somehow explain the change in this case of the ovulation occurring outside the expected periods.
There is Plan b that is 100% effective apart from abstinence. All methods can fail at some point in time. Reason why always doing a good pregnancy test, retesting and associating it with a ultrasound could be important to actually diagnose to accept or refute the possibility of a possible pregnancy.
You have chances of falling pregnant, but the chances are actually very low under these circumstances. far below 50%. But you might need to undergo routine pregnancy checks and an ultrasound check in case bleeding abnormalities or cycle behaves or continues to be irregular.
Thanks and hope this helps. Best regards. Do not hesitate asking further questions if you need help. Wishing you good health.
Bain LE, MD.
best regards,
Bain LE, MD.